1: The Weeping Forest

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I do not own any of the characters nor the game itself. All rights are legally owned by Moonton.


Miya hated gremlins. They were vile creatures- demons spawned from within the depths of the abyss itself. Why anyone would have any need for this monstrosity's 'fur' was beyond the elf's comprehension.

A sickening smack snapped her out of her inner grueling, forcing her to peer out of her hideout.

Looks like the trap worked.

The Weeping Forest lived up to its name. All around her massive arcs of greenery loomed, forming roofed canopies that allowed little to no sunlight. Thick vines hung down like tendrils, giving the effect of a weeping tree. It was a shame that such a beautiful forest was home to one of the most disgusting creatures ever known to exist.

A flicker of movement caught her attention and the elf turned to look sideways.

"Nana," Miya called out. "Do stop bothering those Night Fleurs. We need to hurry and collect our quarry."

Bright eyes met her clear ones.

"But Miya look!" The animal elf chirped. "They smell sweet! Can we eat them?"

Traveling with a (nearly rabid) stray elf was more than Miya could ever hope for. Taming her was far worse. It was a process- one that should not be taken lightly. One false step and it would it would mean the probability of not having an arm and a leg. And yes, both would undoubtedly have to go.

Miya sighed. "No. Fleurs are deadly during the day and I doubt that they're even edible."

"But I can eat them right? I am a cat afterall! Cats like flowers." Nana whined, prowling on all fours. She eyed the the play with keen interest. Miya would've dragged her if she could, but 2 days in the Forest hunting and skinning Earth's most vile had drained the girl of all her 5 energies. All she wanted to do was collect her bounty and be on their way for Eruditio.

"Nana," Miya shook her head. "We can go up to the lighthouse tonight if you promise to behave."

At the suggestion, Nana's ears seemed to perk up. She twirled towards Miya and brandished her boomerang excitedly.

"And the butterflies! We can see the butterflies right?"

Miya smiled. "Yes, of course."

The town of their current stay held nothing of profound interest. Putting aside the town's rampant cases of theft, not much happened in the place. They say bandits lived up the North Mountain, just a few paces from the site of the lighthouse where the two elves intended to go to.

Their place of stay (though not for much longer) was the Quest Lodgings that was situated in the middle of town. It was the only building that had two storied floors. The first floor was more of a drinking tavern while the second held the inn where they slept. Nana often complained about bed mites running amok under the covers.

"I'd eat them if I could see them, lucky pests." The cat elf would often say.

Stepping into the building, Miya immediately spotted Boff, the inn's keeper.

Miya never liked Boff. He was rude and simply disgusting, often giving her leering looks and insinuating lecherous activities. The sooner they got out of town and this place, the better.

Walking towards the crude man, Miya hauled her loot bag and placed it on top of the counter. The action snapped Boff's attention to her.

He smiled snidely. "Well if it  isn't the beautiful elf. Finally back are we?"

"The Fur Quest loot is here. I'll take the payment now." Miya responded coldly.

This didn't seem to faze him as he bent over the counter, leaning in towards her.

"Now now not so fast dear. You just got back. Why not relax first? Have you considered my offer?"

Miya pointedly ignored his attempt at seduction. "Boff, the 50 tickets, like you promised." She pushed, glaring up at the man.

"Alright, alright." Boff frowned, taking hold of the bag. He peered into the loot his expression blank. Finally, with a smirk that made Miya wary, he pulled away and went over to his snuffbox. Beneath it, he uncovered a small chest lined in gold. It must've been where he kept his money. Boff made a whole scene of slowly reaching into the box whilst flaunting all his riches in it then painstakingly counting the number of tickets he had on hand. The man was horrendously vain about it too.

"Here you are little lady." He sneered, placing the tickets on the counter. One glance at the money was enough to tell that he hadn't given what he promised.

"This isn't what we agreed. Give me the rest of the tickets."

Boff shook his meaty head. "No can do sweetheart. You're one day late so you get only a third of the promised reward."

Miya was glowering, her grip tightening around the shaft of her bow. If she used her glamour now, the infuriating man wouldn't even realize her arrow going straight through his skull. He wouldn't even blink. Her fury fueled this temptation even more as she watched him gloatingly keep his chest of gold.

One skill was all it would take.

Her conscience wrestled back for reign and chided her for such foolishness. Miya knew that as soon as she had killed him, Boff's drunken patrons would be on her faster than her Shadow Guise. Even at this hour, the tavern was filled with sordid mishaps looking for any kind of thrill. Surely hunting down a lone moon elf would be enough to satisfy their sadistic desires.

"You'll regret this." Miya muttered already thinking of multiple hexes. Surely Boff's regions wouldn't appreciate a classic Lunar dismemberment.

"Ah ah, I'd be careful if I were you. You do realize you still take up within my lodgings."

The corners of her lips twitched. How dare he. What a slobbering, insufferable twat.

Miya narrowed her eyes. "I don't think so." She muttered. From the folds of her cape, she produced a rusty key with chipped teeth. She tossed it rather malevolently at the inn keeper and grabbed the tickets off the counter. Boff caught the key and looked at her in mild surprise.

"You must be mad." He remarked snidely, cackling as he put the key into his pocket. "Leaving now would mean death."

Miya turned to leave, murmuring as she did. "I am mad, seeing as I took lodgings in this rut hole in the first place."

When she reached the door, she turned sideways and glared at the man menacingly.

"And leaving this place would mean nothing to me. Afterall, death is an old friend of mine."

Then with a smile that deemed her insane by the putrid inn keeper, the moon elf left and let the door slam shut behind her.



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