Chapter 8: My Dreamcatcher?

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I told him everything. About in my dream Sirius dying, then me in the next. And he listened.

"Can you tell me what happened directly? What happened after the both of you died in seperate dreams?" He was speaking slowly, like I was some child.

I shook my head.

"Alex, what if it's not just a nightmare, or some simple dream? What if it's a Seer dream and it really happens. . ." For some reason, tears stung my eyes. But none fell.

"Shh, don't say that. I'll figure something out, alright?" I nodded silently, and he gave me a small hug.

"And since Dumbledore supposedly said I'm your Dreamcatcher, it-"

"Huh?" I pulled away from him.

His eyes widened. "Oooh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. . . ." He muttered in that sing-song tone he does.

What the heck's a Dreamcatcher? Not like the thing you put in your room, he wasn't talking about that. He said 'I'.

"I'm going to find Lily-"

"Please, tell me." He stared at me for a while, a serious expression on his face. Then he huffed, and sat back down.

"Tell me what that is, and what do you mean 'Dumbledore says'?" Was he also hiding something from me?

Alex wouldn't do that.

"Well, according to 'Seer Problems and Solutions', every Seer is able to have a counterweight for their dreams and prophecies and stuff to help them, and it's called a Dreamcatcher. Even Cassandra Trelawney had one, and she's one of the most famous Seers, and her great-great-grandaughter is Sybill Trelawney-"

I cut him off with a giggle. "You're such a nerd. . . Dorian!"

"Hey! That name has been in my family for ages it's not my fault, and it's all my father's fault for giving it to me." He slumped into his seat, planting his book on his face.

"So, basically, you're my counterweight? What does that mean?" That got him back into nerd mode.

"Well, Dumbledore says we have this connection. Not like that! You know what I mean, but some sort of mind connection. Say we have two silver threads, that came together and tied a knot into each other. What ever happens to the first thread, happens to the other, but not always." I nodded.

"So, why didn't this happen before, when you first met me?"

"I didn't really figure out you were a Seer yet, but I told Dumbledore a few days before you got sick. And he knew all along, I'm telling you he's psychic-"


"Sorry. So, I'm a Dreamcatcher. Who would have thought."

There was silence.

"I'm going to look for the boys. See ya later." I walked out of the compartment-


After I had talked to Lily, changed into my robes, and after I found the boys, I thought about what Alex said last year.

"I knew something was going to happen between you two! And turns out he has s-!"

I had stopped him there.

Me being with Sirius is impossible. We're too different. We fight almost daily, we don't agree on many things, and he's just a friend.

But these thoughts invaded and haunted me.

And I can't stop it from happening, because that's what comes of the future. I hate being a Seer.

And being one makes it worse for Alex, he has to deal with my dreams along with me, now that he's my Dreamcatcher thing.

Until Sirius' voice came into earshot.

"Lia, you've been oddly quiet. You okay?" I hate that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired." That was true. I let my head fall into the window.

But I couldn't fall asleep. I just couldn't. All these thoughts are taking over my head, making no more room for sleep.

Instead I felt dizzy, like when I Apparated. I looked up.

"James, I didn't know you had a twin," I swiped my hand right through his evil twin. Uh. . . . .

"Lia, what are you talking about?"

"I JUST TOUCHED HIS TWINS INSIDES! DISGUSTING!" Sirius got up quickly and pushed me back into the seat, pushing my hands down. And my head was throbbing.

"I think she's about to faint-"

"Well do something!"

I tried pinching myself, but I couldn't get out of this weird dream. Or reality, I don't know.

"Hey, Alex!" Someone left the compartment, someone I couldn't make out.

"Gorgeous, Remus went to get help, just please don't fall asleep." Gorgeous. That's Sirius.

"Okay," I barely nodded, feeling a hand connect with mine.

Something was pulling me into darkness, but I don't want to close my eyes.

I felt something weird.

I felt the silver thread, just like Alex said. I felt a tugging on it, and I also heard two voices.

Saying the same thing.

"Don't close your eyes. Please don't close your eyes."

And that's when I heard a scream.

From me.


I don't really know what to write here today. Exept that I totally got the Dreamcatcher idea inspired from my best friend and it is not real exept for in my mind and this book.

Okay. Padfoot's done.

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