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A, or as y'all know as Indigo, is my best friend. As you also know, I think, Indigo and I have known eachother about 2/3 of our lives. (From this point)

Indigo and I have history, and I think we've had the shortest lasting fights out of every friend I've ever had. (Longest fight A and I have had lasted 2 days.)

I can always count on A, because she has told me so many secrets, dark and personal, I can trust her with all the things I say.

Of course, A and I mess around with each other. I mean, who doesn't? I really appreciate, though, how when she takes a joke too far, she stops IMMEDIATELY. I really appreciate it.

Of course, we have our differences, and like how the saying goes, opposites attract. Although, we're not truly opposites, more like close antonyms.

I was the first one she told about her newly identified sexuality. At first, I was surprised, but immediately acceptive.

So when I found out she told S and H, I was a little surprised, again, but I was also very proud. Until what went down this afternoon.

I was pissed, knowing that someone had betrayed her like that made me mad. I tried calming down, but if "our eyelashes is braided together, my sweat is beading up on you, I will cut you." ~Anjelah Johnson

A has told me many things, and I have told her so many things aswell. So our trust is bonded together.

LeAwesomePrussia FourAwesomePrussians

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2017 ⏰

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