By Smythe's Hands

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By Smythe's Hands (Admitting/GeneralFiction

Sebastian Smythe.
That's the name, don't wear it out.

Now I've had a crush on Blaine for as long as I can remember, and surprisingly..
Very, surprisingly.
He has never shared the same feelings.

And I know you're probably thinking, but Sebastian, he's not even as hot, or as charming, or as good as you.
How can you possibly feel disappointed about this?

Well I'm still not so sure about that myself..
Then again, I love the pleasure of winning a hard game of 'Who'll He End Up With?', so that may be the reason.

And you know what?
The only reason I don't have that sex on a stick, sings like a dream guy, is because of only one, hideous, case of the gay face, piglet.

Kurt Hummel, that is.
I truly wish I'd been the one Blaine had cheated on him with, but no!
Some Facebook dude, with no heart, or care for my dear Blaine Warbler!

Will he ever understand how much more pleasurable that would've been, if it'd been me?
Obviously not.

And now where are they?
Lady Hummel and the sexy gay cyclops?
Engaged, in god damn New York, with the practically widowed Rachel Berry, and that annoying bitch Santana.

Please tell me how I should get into that picture, because honestly?
I'm desperate.

Sadly though, you won't.
Chances are you're a fan of the 'Klaine' ship too, so I shouldn't expect much from you, after all.
It has porcelain and broccoli head right on the cover.

One day though, I swear I'm gonna find someone..
I know, it's sappy and so damn cheesy.
And I'm of course the last person you thought you'd hear that from..

But it's true.
I just want someone to love me, as much as Blaine loves Kurt.
I want someone to love me the way Finn loved Rachel.
I want someone to care as much as Sam did, for Mercedes.

I just know it won't ever happen..

Because I'm a self centred, cold hearted, slutty, but quite charming guy.
And that's all I will ever be.

So now you're probably wondering, why are you thinking about this all now Sebastian?
Well, here's the simple answer.

You only live once.

I have to realize all of this before it's too late, right?
So why not now, in a notebook, while I'm out at a beautiful park, all the way in L.A.

I've set a mission for myself, pathetic green notebook.
A Sebastian Smythe mission.
Which makes it incredibly sexy.

Yes, I know, anything I do is sexy..
Anyways, getting back on topic.

This mission, will be extremely difficult, extremely sexy, and entirely pointless because honestly who really thinks I can do this?
But what is this scary mission, Smythe?

It's to find true love.

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