Part 27

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Christine's POV

It's 10 pm and I'm sooo done with studying like hours ago. Jungkook did mention that I was top in the class but honestly I don't know how I do it? I hate academic books but I love reading novels and fanfics.

I tried focusing on the capitals of the Asian countries but Jungkook kept bugging my thoughts. Yah Min Christine. Stop stressing yourself out would you? He just said he liked you. You're not the girlfriend so don't act like it!

Aish! I couldn't take  it anymore. I went out and grabbed some water from the kitchen.

"Why are you still up?" a sudden voice whispered behind me which made me let go of the glass abruptly and break.

"Shit Sorry I didn't mean to!" Jimin said as he took my hand and hurried to the sink to wash my bleeding hand.

"You surprised me." I said as I let him wash my hand. From the kitchen I could hear RM's snore which most probably covered the whole noise of the glass breaking. (Lol omg I still love you RM. <3)

"Are you okay?" he asked as he looked at me tenderly. There it goes again, his charismatic side.

"Mm." I smiled at him and I slowly took my hands off of his.

"I'll get the broom" I whispered careful not to wake anyone further.

"I'll help." he said and we cleaned the mess we made quietly. He broomed the glass bits as I moped the wet floor.

"All done" he smiled at me and I returned it easily.



"So you are bothered." He said as I told him about what was going on my head

"I dont know. This all feels so new! It's overwhelming!" I whined as I shouted in a whisper.

"Well I'm sorry again for awhile ago, did I stress you out by bringing Hannah over?" he asked worriedly

"Aniyo" I smiled at him. "Maybe it was just tiring and everything for me the whole week, but it wasn't all because of Jungkook and Hannah don't worry." I smiled at him.

"Are you okay with taking an exam while sleeping late?" he asked

"I always do." I smiled at him and chuckled in return.



Jungkook's POV

I woke up when I heard the glass break. I looked at everyone and found Jimin missing. I slowly stood up careful not to wake up J-hope hyung who's legs were dangling over my legs. Aish this hyung loves to make me his pillow~

I went to the kitchen noiseless as I heard a conversation between Christine and Jimin.

She was telling him how it bothered her everytime I'd hug Hannah or even hold her hand. I felt bad about it but somehow deep inside me I was happy she was feeling that way because somehow, it proved that she liked me right?

"This all feels so new. It's overwhelming!" she shouted in a whisper.


Take care of her, you're the first." Kai sunbae said looking at Christine walking away with one hand in his pocket as the other was across my chest stoping me from my tracks.

"First?" I asked confused

"You're the first person she ever liked." He said slightly smiling at me.

~end of flashback~

Suga hyung was right, even if we're still not in a relationship, after confessing our feelings for eachother, it was like we were. And I unintentionally hurt her and made her bothered and worried.. Mianhe, Christine. I'll be more careful from now on..

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