03: purple lilac

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purple lilacs represent the beginning of love or a first love, and are a perfect gift for new couples. the recipient of lilacs is sure to recall this bouquet given early on in the relationship every time she smells lilacs, and every spring while lilac shrubs are in bloom.


will had not stopped thinking of the boy, honestly, it was his only thought lately. he thought of his curly hair that he wanted to run his hands through, his freckles that he wanted to kiss one by one, his strong, but soft hands, that he wanted to hold forever, and his chocolate brown eyes that he could stare into for eternity.

there was no doubt he was having his first crush; it was soft and innocent, his heart beat whenever he thought of mike, and he constantly felt happy, despite the bullying.

will biked to the school, as always, and he noticed mike standing by the bike racks, his face was red and he was shivering, like will was too.

he placed his bike in the rack noisily, causing mike to flinch.

"oh, hey will!" he smiled widely, making will's heart stop. "it's cold today, isn't it?"

he blushed as he walked over to the taller boy, having to look up to face him. "it is. but i'm going to the club with max and jane. i made them hot chocolate." will reached back and pulled out his thermos, which was bigger than his head. he hesitated slightly. "y-you can come if you want."

mike's face lit up. "yes, of course! let's go. i can carry that for you, if its too heavy." he offered, but will shook his head.

"don't underestimate me, i'm kinda strong." he smiled and started taking wider steps, both giggling and chatting until they reached the club room.

will opened the door, and immediately, he heard jane starting to yell. "YOU'RE GAY?!" she ran to him and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him violently. her face turned pale as she looked past him to see mike standing right there.

will's face turned into a deep crimson, his nails scratching the thermos. "this is so embarrassing. yes, it's true." he looked down and walked over to the couch, covering his face in shame.

mike laughed awkwardly as he walked in, looking around the room. he sat down next to will and pat his back. "it's okay. i'm bisexual. nothing to be worried about."

will raised his face to look at him, still red as a tomato. "w-what? really?" he nodded, patting his back once more.

"haha, ditto." jane said from across the room, her arms crossed. she looked over at max, who gave her a flirty look back.

"i'm lesbian." max grinned, pleased that everyone was hella gay up in here.

"wow." mike began, causing everyone to turn to him. "you guys seem awfully nice. and we're all some sorta gay here... and you get free food... and get to plant flowers... this seems pretty fun." he rubbed his chin and smiled. "i think i'm gonna join the club!"

everyone's jaws dropped, and will looked at him wide eyed. "won't you get bullied too then? i don't want you to get hurt." he asked concerningly.

"well, if i join, it might raise awareness, since i'm kinda popular. and the bullying might tone down a bit if someone popular is in it." max and jane nodded in agreement, turning to will, since he was the president.

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