Scratch Does a Filler

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AN: A short one for today but just wait until next week >:}c


Sonic rushed into his normal booth. "Ohhhh, festive!" He called.

"Yeah, we decorated last night." Eggman commented, already dropping the hedgehogs order.

"Yeah we did!" The girl from last chapter I never introduced called, filling Sonic's cup.

"Back from school, huh Eggette?" Sonic smirked.

"For the holidays." She smiled at him. "But Uncle said I'm to be on good behaviour, so don't worry your quills off, prickle pickle." Eggette laughed.

"Ah, yes, good behavior." Orbot came over with Sonic's food. "A mystery you know what that is, Ovana."

"It's Eggette, shrimp." Eggette hissed, Orbot rolled his eyes and went to go tend the other table.

"More oil, shrimp!" Scratch called, Orbot huffed.

"Don't call me shrimp and it won't be not decaf, and you know that tree was supposed to deter you, not make your more annoying." Orbot snapped, Scratch took a sip of his oil but the tree branches covering his face blocked the mug as he laughed his signature laugh. Orbot shook his head and filled the mug.

"Wouldn't he like the tree because his programming is to annoy people?" Cubot asked Orbot.

"It's not annoying Sonic I don't see why he likes it." Orbot hissed back, Cubot nodded softly.

"Probably his coding further corrupting." Eggman snapped, he started to rifle through his ingredients.

"What are you doing?" Orbot asked, passing by him.

Eggman pulled up a bag. "We need to deal with Scratch." Eggman hummed, he started to make something. He rang the bell when done. Orbot came up and glared at Eggman. "To my favourite SSSSS Squad member." Eggman announced making sure to exclaim for Scratch to hear. Orbot took the bowl the Scratch, who gladly ate it, and of whom was immediately passed out at the table.

"Oh great, what'd you drug him with?" Orbot said, moving Scratches limp arm to make sure he wasn't dead.

"Pure lead, all Robotnik robots go into shut down when they ingest pure lead." Eggman told, Eggette laughed.

"That's smart, and what do you plan with him now dear uncle." Eggette said, sitting up onto a counter.

"Get off of the counter, I'm just going to fix a few code lines." Eggman walked to Scratch, and opened him up, a plume of dust came out. "Wow he needs more than some code changed." Eggman dug into his old badnik and pulled out a small computer like device, he pulled out a device and hooked them together, making some adjustments, he then put the computer like device back in, and closed up Scratch. He was powered back on.

"Uhhg what is-is-is-" Scratch trailed off, he started to twitch, and buzz. "Where is-" Scratch made an electrical noise and sparked, before suddenly starting to sob. Eggman backed away slowly.

"Is he ok boss?" Cubot asked, floating passed.

"You Monster!" Scratch screamed as he cried out his pain. Eggman now started to rush his leaving of the situation, that was until he got a chicken attached to him.

"Hey, get off you oversized paperweight!" Eggman called.

"Put it back, I can't go on like this! It was all I had!" Scratch squawked, Eggman tried to push him off. "Please, please!"

"Fine! At least I'll put it back uncorrupted!" Eggman caved, Scratch went from death grip on Eggman to death hug on him. "Now off!"

Scratch fell to the floor with a clang. Eggman picked him up, opened him up, grabbed the computer thing, and started to reprogram in a version of kill Sonic. He dropped scratch again when done. Scratch took a second to load.

"I'm back!" Scratch laughed, almost uncharacteristically, and ran out of the dinner.

"Look, you created a monster." Orbot hissed, shoving a mop into Eggman's hands.

"What's this for?" Eggman snapped.

"Mopping." Orbot snapped back, he gestured at the mess of dust and went on his way.

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