You Have The Best Protection

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"You want me to be what?" Ryan coughed a bit, set his sandwich down, and took a quick swig of his drink. "I want you to be my body gaurd. Jensen, Cliff, and I have been trying to find someone just for me. Jared has also been helping. But when I saw you at the gate, the idea just popped in my head. I trust you, Jensen trust's you, pish- the whole cast and crew trust you. I would really appriciate if you would take the offer." You looked straight at Ryan and he looked at Jared, Jensen, then back to you.

"I'll do it." Ryan said forming a huge smile. "You will! Oh my god! Thank you Ryan!" You got off your seat and rushed to give him a hug. "Thanks man, it will mean alot if you look after (Y/n) for me when I can't." Jensen shook Ryan's hand and pulled him into a hug. "Who's going to man the gate though?" You ask as everyone sits back down. "Uh, probably Jeff." Ryan said picking him sandwich back up. "Whose Jeff?" You ask.

"Newbie. He's been taking shifts with me. He's a younger one, I think 22 or something like that, but he doesn't look it. Very buff. He's at the post now, he will be on for the rest of the day. You can meet him before you leave," Ryan finishes his sandwich. "So, when would you like me to start working?" You look at Jensen and he waits for you to answer. "How's tomorrow? Jared and or Jensen can text Cliff right now and he can go over things with you, it also gives you time to talk to Jeff and the studio about leaving." "I just texted Cliff. He is at the gate talking with Jeff. He said to go meet him there." Jared said sliding his phone back into his pocket. "Alright, thank you so much guys. I am very excited to have accepcted this oppurtunity." Ryan threw his garbage out and left your trailer.

"He will be good. He will watch you. Nothing is going to happen to you because you have the best protection possible against David the Douche." Jensen kissed your head and you leaned onto him as you shivered at David's name while also loving the nickname Jensen gave him. "Hey guys, Bob and Eric want you three on set." Some called through the door. "Yay! Okay! Thank you!" You were so happy. Jared and Jensen groaned not wanting to go back to work but you were very excited to get your script back. "Oh come on boys! The faster I get my script, the faster I can work again!" You got off the couch, a little wobbly but you pulled Jensen up and kissed his pouty lips. Jared got up as well and helped throw away all of the trash. You three got outside and into the studio. Jared and Jensen went oppisite directions as you. Them to Bob to finish a few scenes for the day, and you to Eric for your script.

"Hey Eric!" You say walking into his office. "(Y/n)! Good to see you walking without the cast. How's the leg?" He asks giving you a big hug. "It's good. Feels weird, but good. Really good. So, do you have my scrpit?" "I do!" He sang and handed you the script. "Yay! Thank you! I am very happy to be working again." You hug the script and Eric laughs. "So, you are still kidnapped. Sam, Dean, and Cas are trying find you still. You will start off tied to a chair, bruised, and really tortured. So you first were kidnapped by Demons then Cassie, one of Dean's fling's, She was in season one, is now a Kynich. Kynich are new, they are creatures that focus on peoples personal lives. Anyone can be inhabited by them, any blood to blood contact will cause you to become one. They drive you to hurt the people you used to love. So, in Dean's and Cassie's case, Cassie was inhabited by this creature, and now wants to hurt you to get to Dean," "Wow, that's a lot, but I love the connections you created with new monsters. This is awesome." You both chuckle.

"Well, the best part is, it that you will be the one to kill her. Kynich need to be killed by the ones they tortured. Iron kills them. Once Sam and Dean find you, they untie you but you all go into a fight with Cassie and other Demons. You grab a crowbar and jab it through her stomach. Sound good for a welcome back?" Eric laughed as he noticed your big smile and widened eyes. "Yes! I love it! Thank you." "I'm glad you're back. You start next week, okay? Now go home and rest up." You give Eric another hug and wave goodbye as you head out to set. You see Jared and Jensen laughing on set as the crew moves a few things around. "Hey guys." You say to make your pressence known.

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