xiii| Graviditate

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"You can wrap your fingers around my thumb, and hold me tight."


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Containing or expecting life.



And out of all the possibilities that entered my mind on the tube journey from the pub to Chase's flat, good or bad, this was right at the bottom of the list.

"Y-you're what?" I stuttered, unable to process the information, unable to even respond. "Wh-how" I couldn't even formulate a proper sentence. "Are you sure?"

"I took a pregnancy test last night. It's positive." She confessed, burying her head in Tyler's chest again.

I took a deep breath in, sitting beside the two of them and taking her hand slowly. "I need you to tell me everything from the start. From your type of contraception, to how you found out, to what you want to do right now. We're going to get through this, we just need to focus on everything step by step."

She sat up, wiping her tears with the sleeves of her other hand, sitting up straight. She nodded, sniffling, "every time we did it we used a condom, I was always so careful about that." She began.

"You're not on the pill?" I asked.

She shook her head, "it didn't feel necessary."

"There could be a lot of things wrong with using just a condom. It could have been old, or torn with the packet, or maybe it wasn't put on properly. They're not always guaranteed," I explained softly, wiping her hair out of her stained face.

"I knew that but I never thought it would happen to me," she sobbed as I felt my heart break. I couldn't ever imagine the panic she was enduring or the pain she was in. She was 21 years old, at university with her entire future ahead of her and she was pregnant. And Tyler. It was his first real relationship. There's no doubt in my mind he's broken for her and he doesn't even know what to do.

"What made you take the pregnancy test?" I asked quietly. The room was so silent that I could hear the click of every knuckle, or every intake of air. The boys sat silently. Maybe deciding to not interrupt. Maybe not knowing what to say. Either way their presence was nurturing but terrifying at the same time.

"I missed my period two weeks ago and I didn't find that strange at first because my period is never normal. But I found it strange after two weeks when I had the cramps but there was no blood. And then for the past couple of mornings I've been vomiting and-" she cut herself off, taking a shaky breath. "I didn't know what to think so I bought a cheap pregnancy test because I thought I was going rule out the possibilities but it came as positive."

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