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adj. having or showing a great desire to possess something, typically something belonging to someone else.

Part II of the Serendipity Series


"Please," Emma whined, writhing on her back like a trapped animal.

Well, that's exactly what she was when it came to the infamous Regina Mills. Regina had been completely capable at making Emma feel like she was prey; a gazelle hunted with all the precision and grace of a starving lioness. And, if it wasn't enough, the woman, as infuriating and drop-dead gorgeous as she was, did have one hell of a bite that had Emma squirming like a worm.

Worms couldn't be tied up though: not like Emma was, at least. Her arms were bound above her head in some intricate knot that took the raven-haired woman at least three minutes to make, and her feet were spread, and her legs were tied to mimic that of a frog's-or a swimmer preforming breast stroke. She was virtually immobile, but the blonde couldn't find reason enough to complain: there were many positive aspects to this.

One, for some obscure rationality, Emma enjoyed the feeling of the ropes against her skin: burning and bruising the pale flesh and causing delicious marks/memories that she would be able to look upon and nostalgically remember the night she had spent on Regina's hotel bed.

Two, Emma absolutely treasured seeing how Regina's eyes darkened to a shade of black out of undeniable desire and lust. This was all accomplished by simply tying the younger woman up. If that could arose Regina, how would more intricate things cause her to react- at least that was Emma's logic.

Finally, she knew if she played along with Regina's dominant nature, she would ultimately receive her own pleasure and the privilege, as the older woman stated, of providing pleasure to said woman.Of course, Emma agreed with the woman's point, and not entirely out of obligation. She thoroughly enjoyed eating the woman out, savoring the tang that was Regina Mills. Never would she be capable of forgetting the piquant taste of arousal that she had caused by her obedience and sexual noises.

"Please what, Emma?" Regina chuckled sadistically, keeping the vibrator directly on the blonde woman's clit while her other hand rested on Emma's throat.

Her thumb stroked the soft flesh of her neck, positioned expertly on the spot where the Carotid Pulse is taken, and where breath can be restricted with just enough pressure. To say Regina was tempted to push into the indented skin was obvious to Emma: the woman had made it a habit to asphyxiate Emma when she pleased, specifically when Regina herself and or Emma was on the verge of climax.

Emma sneered at Regina, snarling her upper lip and partially revealing her top row of teeth. As ridiculously sexy and breathtaking as Regina was, especially when she was naked and positioned between the blonde's thighs as she was now, she still could not stand the haughty, superior attitude Regina upheld. Emma despised Regina holier than thou Mills, but she did enjoy Regina I like falling asleep in Emma Swan's arms after we fuck Mills. That Regina had the ability to captivate and capture Emma's heart, if she hadn't already. Yet, Emma would never admit such things aloud. This "Relationship" she had with Regina meant nothing more than business, even though her stupid girl mind and hormones wanted to be with the woman. Regina was able to keep the thing between them semi-professional, so why couldn't Emma? Why did she desire morning-breath kisses and afternoon picnic lunches with this infuriating woman that she had practically nothing in common with?

Tossing her head back into the pillow, Emma sighed, shifting her hips in attempt to alleviate the building pressure she felt between her thighs. "Please let me come, Miss Mills," she murmured, even though it sounded more like "plslemmecome" than anything else.

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