Two (Saturday)

66 5 7

(Chris's POV)

I had run to the store to pick up something for Mandy. When I got back home, she was in the kitchen, setting up a board game. I turned on my phone camera and cleared my throat. Mandy turned to me, a big smile on her face. I snapped a couple photos and smiled. "You look beautiful Mandy." I said, walking to her.

"You've been gone for like three hours!" Mandy whined. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too. Now, I got you an early Christmas gift. I want you to open it now." Handing her the box, I watched as her eyes widened. She opened it, the heart pendant looking up at her. "Turn it over." Mandy did so and I knew what she was reading. 'Mandy & Chris, since 2008'. Mandy launched herself into my arms, kissing my lips.

"God I love you." She said when we broke apart. "Now about those pictures." I knew what she meant so I showed them to her.

"You look gorgeous in them."

"Post them." She said. "If you want."

I kissed her cheek and went onto Instagram.

cjack930- my beautiful wife setting up a board game

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cjack930- my beautiful wife setting up a board game. Love you @/mandy.gonzalez you are my true ray of light (along with our beautiful kids that is).

Then Twitter.

ChrisIsSigin- my beautiful wife setting up a board game

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ChrisIsSigin- my beautiful wife setting up a board game. @/mandy_gonzalez love you baby.

I turned off my phone and played the game with Mandy. When we finished, I hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Spending time with you is by far the best thing to do." Mandy said softly.

"I agree." I said. "Hermosa."

"Tú es muy guapo." Mandy said. I laughed.

"Can I show you the most ridiculous school website? It helps kids learn Spanish! It's hilarious!" I asked suddenly. Mandy nodded, laughing at my excitement.

I pulling up the website, Señor Wooly, and chose the song 'Estas Muerto'.

Mandy laughed hysterically. "Why the fuck would they try resurrection with a backpack?!" She asked, literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"I don't know, but it's great!" I was laughing too, but not as much as Mandy was. "Mi corazón está en mi mochila!" I sang, running around the apartment. Mandy laughed even harder, if that was even possible. I repeated the line, over and over again.


Mandy and I ate lunch at a small diner. We were being a cute couple as usual when a teen with bright purple hair and black lipstick came up to us. "Oh-my-god-it's-Mandy-Gonzalez-and-Chris-Jackson!" She squealed, her sentence fast and high pitched.

"Hi. What's your name?" Mandy asked, she was such a people pleaser, in the best possible way of course.

"Ella Chandler." She said, her smile slightly dropping.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 13..." she whispered. "I need see that man over there?" She pointed to a big muscular man, his skin very pale next to hers.

"Yes..." I said, feeling a tad nervous for the small girl.

"He's my foster father. He beats me." She brushed her hair from her cheek, revealing a big bruise and a cut on her neck.

"Dear god..."

"ELLA WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU GO YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD?!" The man screamed. Ella shuttered, sobbing, falling into my arms. I lifted her, holding her on my hip like a child. The man saw me holding her and walked to us. "Give me the bastard." He said sternly. Mandy had disappeared. I looked over and saw her talking to an officer. I sighed with relief as they walked over.

"Is there a problem?" The woman asked.

"They're trying to kidnap my daughter." The man politely said.

"Sir, can you please give the girl to her father?" The officer was kind and I went to hand her over.

"What are you doing?" Mandy asked.

"If she freaks out, then she isn't going anywhere with him." The girl thrashed in my arms as I stepped closer to the man.

"No! Don't let him take me! Don't let him take me!" She screamed. I teared up at her reaction. I nodded and pulled her back to me.

"'re okay..."

"Freya, you're no longer in the custody of John Hughes."

"Freya?" I asked.

"Yeah...Mr Hughes made me change my name...he said it made me a disappointment to his old favorite show, Witches of East End."

"Dear god. What a jerk. You're not going anywhere mean people can get to you. I promise."

***Author's Note***


Be fearless!

The Author (Ryeli)

Best Left Forgotten: Chris Jackson X Mandy GonzalezWhere stories live. Discover now