Chapter Seven

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Fast updates who? I don't know her. .
Can I call you guys lumps?

It had been exactly two days now since Will had last seen Nico, but it wasn't like he was tracking the time. It's not like Will knew that he hadn't seen big brown eyes in exactly two days, 3 hours, and 4 minutes.

He was extremely bored, and on the brink of just going out there and look for a human to eat, but he had to remind himself that he wasn't allowed to drink human blood. Human blood was what made a vampire the strongest, but it also caused them to go on a rampage for more and more blood, and soon, they would be trying to eat every human out there.

The last time he had a meal it had been a small rabbit, but Will already craved for more. Bouncing on the balls of his feet, he looked out the window of his room, feeling the slight breeze hit his face. Will inhaled the scent of the exterior, making effort to decipher any familiar odors such as bunnies, badgers, raccoons, and if he got lucky, maybe a deer.

But probably not a deer, since the wolves were stealing all the food, and therefore all the deer were probably gone.

It was a possibility though, and Will was starving.

He crouched down on the edge of his window and pushed himself off with the back of his hands, soaring for about three seconds before beginning to descend. He landed on green grass gracefully and on his two feet, which normally should've cracked his ankles but he was no mortal. He took off running at inhuman speed, becoming just a golden wisp of wind that flew by.

The woods were denser than he remembered, branches occasionally hitting his face but, Will had practice dodging most of them. Leaves tried to fly into his face but Will was too fast, leaving just a trail of fluttering red and yellow.

His eyes professionally darted from side to side, attempting to catch sight of any possible prey. He had almost been running for a minute, so he slowed down, too exhausted to continue at such pace. Jogging now, he had a better view of the dense forest.

Will put both his hands on a tree trunk, feeling the surface. He grabbed on to a branch, hoisting himself up and supporting the rest of his body with one foot. He climbed up, his other hand going higher and his other foot helping too, until he was almost at the tree top. He tested a branch for sturdiness, and plopped down on it after knowing it could support him. From up there, he could see even more, and his senses were immediately heightened.

His eyes darted everywhere, under a fallen tree trunk, into a nearby rock, all over the floor, skimming up and down for rodents. Finally, he spotted a dark bunny, just like the one he had eaten before, only this one was darker and a bit fatter.

He licked his lips, and carefully sneaked from a tree to the next, them slowly going down to grab the rabbit. His eyes felt different, and he could see better. Will knew that they were changing color, from pale blue to crimson.

He jumped on the rodent, arms extended out for it. It only had time to let out a small squeak before Will had it greedily in his mouth, teeth sinking down on it to suck out the blood.

It was a tasty treat, but Will was still hungry. He looked out into the big pond, and noticed something. At the other side, a boy with black hair and a pale face was staring at him.

Nico. Will had to smile. He licked off the blood from his mouth and quickly ran to the other side of the pond in a wisp, so fast that you might've thought he disappeared.

Soon, he was at Nico's side again, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hello Sunshine," Will said with a shit-eating grin.

Nico jumped slightly, scared. Either from the fact that he had just appeared at his side out of nowhere, or that he still had blood in his fangs.

"Will!" Nico immediately frowned. "You're not supposed to be here. ."

But Will saw a ghost of a smile on his face. "Neither are you, sweetie," Nico scowled at the nickname, but didn't say anything about it. Will sat down besides Nico, shoulders brushing together. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a tint of red dust on Nico's cheeks, and his eyes widening just a tiny bit. Cute.

"So what's up?" Will attempted at a conversation with the angsty boy, who immediately had a sour look on his face.

"It's my father, he's being an idiot." Nico said father like how you would refer to a piece of trash on the floor. Will scowled at this new information, and turned his head to look at Nico. "Wanna take a walk and tell me about it?"

Nico fully turned his face to him, brown eyes shimmering with the sunlight hitting them, turning them a brighter color. His black hair framed his face perfectly, wisps of dark hair fluttering slightly in the wind. He pursed his lips, as if thinking about it.

"Fine," Nico stood, brushing leaves of the black jeans. He offered a hand for Will, blushing a tiny bit when Will took it and stood up. Will let his hand linger on purpose, wanting to hold the small hand for longer but Nico noticed.

They walked together through the thick trees, and Will asked, "So what did your dad do?"

Nico sighed, "He. . . He wants to marry me off."

Will would've choked on his drink if he had one. "Wait what!?"

Nico looked at him sadly, "He says that when I turn seventeen, I need to have a bride ready. Something about him being old already and me needing to take on the throne when he's dead. So he wants me to be ready, wife and all. . . But, it's just— well. ."

He sighed dejectedly, throwing his hands up in the air. Will listened carefully, waiting to hear what he would say next, but Nico remained quiet, looking away, anywhere but at him. 

"Just what? It's not that terrible is it? Unless you're not ready to marry or something, like commitment. ." Will tried to comfort him but he was probably making this worse.

Nico sniffled, and Will noticed he was crying. His eyes widened and he rested his hand gently on Nico's shoulder.

"Nico. . ?"

Nico raised his face, his eyes splotchy with red. "It's not that, Will. . . It's not that I'm not ready. ." Nico took a deep breath, ready to be dejected, ready for Will to give him a disgusted look and run off.

"It's because I'm gay."

Nico looked anywhere but the blondes face. He did not want to see the disappointment in his bright blue eyes.

Instead, he felt the hand on his shoulder squeeze a little tighter, and he looked up. The dark haired boy was surprised to see Will smiling sadly at him.

"Nico. . . It's okay to be gay. In fact, I'm pansexual," Will laughed, and Nico widened his eyes a bit at the new information. "Now I totally see the problem with you getting a bride," he frowned.

"What am I going to do!!" Nico helplessly flailed his arms.

"I don't know Sunshine, but don't worry. I'll help you." Will smiled warmly at him one last time before enveloping Nico into a hug, his strong arms tight on Nico's back. One of his hands had tangled in his hair, and the blondes face was buried in the crook of Nico's neck. He inhaled in Nico's scent, which smelled of green wood and raspberries. He wanted to stay this way forever.

Nico's face was bright red, and he was frozen in place while Will hugged him tightly. He hesitantly hugged back, and turned a brighter shade of red when he felt Will nuzzling his neck with his nose, inhaling in his scent. The blonde's lips almost began trailing across the exposed strip of skin on his collar, fangs out, but Nico ended the hug, pushing away the strong tan arms.

"Thank you, Will. . ."


"What?" Nico asked, confused.

"Its Solace, the last name."

Nico tried for a warm smile, "Thank you, Will Solace,"

"I've got to get going now, but don't worry Nico di Angelo, we'll find a way.

Will grinned from ear to ear before running off, but not before quickly pecking Nico on the nose. The son of Hades was left standing frozen with a bright red face, thinking about that small gesture that completely changed his mood.

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