Secret Santas, Ping Pong, and Proof

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  Christmas Eve was two days away...Amy and I were busy trying to find just the right gift for our guys at the Venetian.
       "What about this?" Amy asked holding up
a bottle of cologne.
        "Sure, It's like....Merry Christmas you stink." I said.
         "Then what?" She asked.
          "How about lingerie?" I asked her, raising my brows up and down really fast.
         "Uh no...that's weird." She said, and I laughed. "I'm not you." She replied.
        "I'm not giving that to Aiden...he gets that on a regular basis..hence the diamonds." I laughed while pointing to my ears.
        "Yeah...that, and pool sex." She laughed and the sales girl just looked at us. "Sorry." Amy said looking at her.
        "I've got it! Glamping!" I said.
          "Camping only in style...Jacob loves to camp and be outdoors right? And you like being out of the house, sort's perfect. It's camping with all the luxuries, only in a tent. Plus, you can take tons of scenery photos, and you guys get to "do it" outside." I smiled.
       "Always a sex joke." She said. "And you are a genius."
       "I'm not an amazing publicist for nothing!" I answered.
      "Yeah, Zak sure thinks so. I gotta hand it to you, I thought it was gonna be weird and something would happen, but you've both been very well behaved." Amy said, patting me on the back and walking away. My guilt crept up again, I changed the subject and Riley walked up.
      "I'll set it all up for you, and you can give it to Jacob." I said.
       "In two days?" Amy asked.
        "If I can work for Zak Bagans and get last minute bullshit done in an hour, I can do this in two days." I said.
       "What are you doing?" Riley asked.
       "Setting your mom and Jacob up on a camping trip...oh, and I'm keeping Riley for you." I said.
        "Oh no...last time you both ended up in a bar...I don't think...."
        "Mom I think she learned her lesson." Riley had a plan, and I was going to find out really soon.
        "Yeah, And I've got Aiden to guide me this time..." I laughed.
        "That's what I'm afraid of." Amy walked away, and I was left with Riley who had a weird look on her face.
         "You alright?" I asked.
          "Yes...just thinking." She said very cocky and smiled walking away to join her Mom. I could tell she was up to something.
         "Okay so secret Santa gift is next." Amy said. Every year the crew got together and drew names for secret Santa. No one was allowed to tell who they got, and you had to give a gag gift and the recipient had to guess who it was from.
       "So who did you get?" I asked trying to look over Amy's shoulder.
        "Nope...secret Santa, remember?"Amy always played by the rules...she was boring at times...but I loved her. I got Bacon...and had a hilarious gift, practical too. We were all getting together the next night at a Tex-Mex restaurant, to exchange gifts. We wrapped up our shopping and I drove Riley and Amy home, as I walked into Amy's I saw her Christmas tree, I just stood there staring at it.
"Wow, are these some of our old ornaments from when we were kids?"
"Yeah...and some stuff from Nana's." Amy said.
"God, I can remember all these." I got tears in my eyes. "Alright, I'm outta here." It was a bit much for me and I had to go. On the drive home I just thought and thought, pulling down the street I saw Zak had some of the guys over. Aaron was outside smoking with Jay, they waved and whistled. I pulled into my garage and shut the door immediately, which was unlike me. Usually if they were hanging outside I'd honk, wave, and yell something completely inappropriate to Bacon if he was there.
"What's with her?" Jay asked.
"Who knows." Aaron said throwing his cigarette butt in the gutter. They walked back in to find Bacon and Zak wrapping up a ping pong game in the game room.
"Well that's two hundred bucks up!" Zak yelled.
       "Damn it man." Bacon was a bit mad, always losing.
        "So who got who for secret Santa?" Aaron asked...
        "It's a secret dude...but I bet Zak wishes he got Mandy." Bacon laughed.
       "So you got her then?" Zak asked.
        "Well...Uh." Bacon shrugged his shoulders.
        "Trade up dude..." Zak said.
         "Ahhh man that's not fair, no trading remember?" Aaron piped up.
         "I didn't say if I did or didn't" Bacon said folding his arms.
     "So Bacon knows now about your little crush?" Billy asked just staring.
       "Man, I been knowing...saw that shit coming a mile away." Bacon laughed. "And I know about did you put it Zak? Euphoric?" Bacon laughed and fluttered his eyelashes.
       "What the hell is everyone talking about?" Jay was never included in the secrets.
       "Zak kissed Mandy, Amy doesn't know." Aaron said.
        "Oh surprise there." Jay laughed. "And if I may ask, Suzette at the network party?" Jay had heard about it.
        "Oh he was baiting Amanda...but that didn't he almost got his ass kicked by a nurse." Aaron laughed, referencing Aiden.
         "I bet he went over to Suzette's when he left though, and hit I right Zak?"
Bacon asked and laughed. Zak got mad and threw the paddle across the room and stormed out. "What did I say?" Bacon was confused. They all were baffled, usually Zak would own up and give details about whatever flavor slut he'd been with.
        "Whoa man..." Jay looked at Aaron and Billy walked out after Zak, catching up to him in the kitchen. Zak was grabbing for a beer.
       "What the hell was that dude? And you're drinking now?" Billy was concerned.
        "I'm just...fucking frustrated as hell. You of all people gotta understand this. And no, I didn't go to Suzette's and fuck her, I don't trust Aiden either." He said popping the beer cap, and taking a drink.
       "Just calm down man...Bacon's joke was nothing out of the ordinary...and you know Aaron, he's going to tell it like it is." Billy was doing his best to help his brother. "Why don't you trust Aiden?"
       "Just a feeling." Zak said.
     I was across the street, drinking myself, but for other reasons. My childhood memories were flooding my mind. Plus, the fact that my sister, and my boyfriend, had both trusted me...and I'd messed that up, but hadn't admitted it yet. Then, there was gut told me she was up to something. Aiden was working a holiday shift, it was his turn and he couldn't get out of it. I'd see him Christmas night...that's why he surprised me in New York and gave me my present early. Upon my third glass of wine I got a wild hair. I was bored, and the old me had been knocking on the new me's door for about an hour. I looked out the window and could see the boys all still at Zak' I walked over, totally uninvited. Aaron and Jay were outside again, this time with Bacon...
      "Well, well...if it isn't the three stooges." I said out loud.
       "Well, well...if it isn't...ahh I don't have a good comeback...What's up hottie?" Bacon asked and we all laughed.
       "Nothing much, just wondering why I wasn't invited?" I asked. Aaron and Jay could tell I had a bit to drink. I wasn't drunk or staggering, but my eyes told the story...and a sad one tonight. "Where's the boss?" I asked.
       "Inside...he just whipped Bacon's ass in ping pong again." Aaron laughed.
        "Really? I looked at Bacon. "How much are you down?" I asked, knowing that this group would bet on anything.
         "Two Hundred..."
         "Wanna win it back, plus some?" I asked.
         "Hells Yeah." Bacon laughed.
          "Then come on." I said, grabbing Bacon by the hand and dragging him along.
           "This I gotta see." Jay smiled, and we all headed inside. I was talking a bit loudly...Zak looked over at Billy in the kitchen, he heard what sounded like my voice.
           "It can't be." Zak said to Billy and immediately perked up.
            "If it is...this isn't a good idea." Billy said shaking his head, they headed into the den.
           "Well, hey neighbor." Zak said and smiled. Again, I could have had an orgasm right there. He was so fine, or was it the alcohol talking?
          "I believe you took something from Bacon." I looked at Zak and rubbed my fingers together insinuating money in my hand.
         "Yeah, his pride and his money." Zak laughed.
          "Okay hot shot...let's go...let's see what you've got." I said stepping up closer. Now was his chance to make a dirty joke...but Zak took the high road.
         "You wanna play me?" He asked, pointing to me then himself.
          "Well someone's gotta get spanked and put in their place tonight." I winked, and walked out toward the table in the game room, not before patting him on the cheek as I walked by...I made the dirty joke this time. Zak squinted, let out a frustrated sigh, and looked at the guys putting his hands on his hips. Our chemistry was apparent to everyone at this point.
          "Well...go on Zaky...get spanked." Aaron winked at him. We played a few games, Zak won only one round...I ended up getting Bacon's money back and made an easy hundred for myself.
         "Yeah! I believe you owe me three hundred bucks my dear." I slowly walked toward Zak with my hand out.
        "You suckered me...I didn't know you could play like that." Zak was counting out the cash, then handed it to me. He wasn't really happy, kind of a sore loser at times. I had truly beat him to everyone's amazement.
       "And I didn't know you sucked like that." I said laughing.
       "Yeah, watch it." He said...we all retreated into the den. It was getting kinda late. Bacon took his money, thanked me and left,. Jay and Aaron soon followed. Billy, Zak, and I just stood in the kitchen, talking small talk and I decided it was time for me to head out.
      "Well I'm kinda tired myself. Guess I'll go stare at my lonely Christmas tree, have a bit more wine and cry myself to sleep." I said...walking away. Zak looked over at Billy in concern.
       "You alright kid?" Billy asked.
       "Sure...night boys." I said.
       "You need a ride home?" Zak asked, joking.
        "Nah, I'm good...thanks boss." I said waving. They both watched me walk across the street and go inside.
       "She didn't seem right...ya know?" Billy said. "I'm going myself, and I'm proud of ya really showed restraint." Billy grabbed his keys.
        "It wasn't easy...but having you clowns around kept me from making a move. Believe me, I'd love to make another move. This time, I think it would go further, and that scares me." Zak admitted.
       "Man, we both really have it bad..and YOU are scared?" Billy was shocked at Zak's admission.
        "Yeah, it's weird." Zak was puzzled at himself.
        "The guy that can fight demons is scared of a woman?" Billy asked.
        "Apparently." Zak sat in deep thought after Billy left. I was doing the same thing across the street. Just drinking, and thinking about how much fun I have with the crew, how great Zak and I get along, how great it was to work on the show, work with Amy...What was I doing? Was I making the right choices? I had a great guy, but for some reason still felt alone...something was missing, but what? I decided sleep was needed...I retreated upstairs and fell asleep quick.
The next night rolled around and we were headed out to have margaritas and enjoy our secret Santa gifts. Riley was with a group of friends at a local coffee shop. Her bestie Mallory had gotten her license and borrowed her mom's car to take everyone to celebrate.
"So what did you think of Chase asking Simone out?" Mallory asked Riley.
"My god, she's a total slut...he only asked her out for one thing." Riley said rolling her eyes. "I'm going get a refill and a muffin, anyone want anything?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'll take a scone." Avery said.
"I'm good, but thanks." Mallory answered. Riley made her way around the corner and saw something she just couldn't believe. She went back to the table...stunned.
"You look like you seen a ghost." Mallory said. "Are you Okay?" Riley was shaking a bit.
"You guys, my aunt's boyfriend is here with some other woman. They're holding hands and kissing in that booth." Riley was upset, and shocked.
"That hottie nurse? Are you sure?" Avery asked.
"Yes, oh god she'll never believe me...and I can't tell her." Riley was really upset...then Avery piped up.
"Seeing is this." Avery got up slowly walked over and snapped a quick picture. She texted it to Riley, and walked back over. "There, now you have proof what a shit bag he is. Show your aunt." Armed with this info, Riley had a choice to make.
Meanwhile at the restaurant...
"Okay...Bacon's turn..." Amy said. He started to open his was a bottle of very expensive vodka and a leopard print man's thong. Everyone started to laugh. "Well, I wonder who that's from?! Bacon, any guesses?"
"I say Mandy." He sat back and grinned.
"Yes!" I screamed, my third margarita was kicking in.
"Where on earth did you find this?" Billy picked it up with a knife off the table. Everyone was dying.
"I'll put it on right now." Bacon winked at me and I just laughed.
"Save it for later Bacon." Zak said, and just looked over at me.
"Oh, there's one more says Mandy and Amy" Bacon said as he pulled it out from under the table.. "Huh...well here you girls go."
"Okay...I don't recognize the handwriting." I said.
"I'm gonna check on the tab...I'll be right back." Zak said, and he got up. I wasn't paying any attention, I unwrapped the gift and couldn't believe my eyes. It was a first edition of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas."
"Oh my you remember this? Nana used to read this to us Amy." I got tears in my eyes, and put my hand over my mouth.
"I do remember, who is this from?" Amy was looking on the tag and couldn't figure it out...she was crying too. Just then I looked across the room and could see Zak watching. I then knew he was involved somehow.
"Maybe Santa." I said just grinning. It was obvious Amy had mentioned this memory to the guys at some point...they must have all pitched in.
"You guys...who did this?" Amy asked, they all denied any involvement.
Meanwhile across town, Riley was debating as to what she needed to do with her evidence.
"Well are you going to show your Aunt?" Mallory asked as they all snuck out and were driving home. Riley thought, and remembered what she overheard at the network party...knowing one person she could trust and would take care of this. Her first thought was rat out Zak and her Aunt to hottie Aiden, cause after all...who would do that to Aiden? He was kind, handsome, smart and she crushed on him big time...but after seeing this...she knew what she had to do, and whim she had to tell.
"I'll do better than that." She started texting right away, but it wasn't me she was texting...or Amy...
As we were all getting up to leave the restaurant, Zak was paying. It was all his treat. His phone buzzed...and he looked down in disbelief. He read the text...and saw the picture.
Uncle Zak...didn't know who to tell or what to do. Help!

      He quickly put the phone in his pocket and was faced with a huge dilemma and decision

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He quickly put the phone in his pocket and was faced with a huge dilemma and decision. His face turned a shade of red only seen when he was totally pissed, Billy walked up recognized that look.
"You okay man?" Billy asked.
"Yeah, just a crazy ex texting...another one to block." As he let out a sigh, and his mind started going. What to do..Hurt me by dropping this bomb? Or hurt Aiden first, then tell me...How could he erase all the joy he and the guys just put on Amy and my face? They had all pitched in and got us the book. Plus we'd done the same in Colorado. And, we didn't really know the whole story with the woman in the picture...this could backfire.

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