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Simon Cuntell

There's been a flight set up for you on the 25. You'll be coming to LA and we'll be having a discussion.


What did I do?

Simon Cuntell

You'll be in LA for the three-day break. We'll see you in five days.



Louis can't believe this. The boys have been looking forward to their three-day break in between Africa and Asia and now he's needed in LA? He has no clue what he's done to piss off Simon this much. He tries to think back to something causing him to get called in and only one thing comes to mind.


He told Zayn that Harry and him are dating, but would Zayn really go so far as telling Simon? Louis doesn't think Zayn would be that big an asshole to sell him out like that, but as of late Louis had no way of predicting Zayn. 


"Remember, nod and smile, and don't say anything you'll regret," Liam reminds. Louis rolls his eyes as the rest of the boys get off the plane. The boys are spending time in South Africa, while Louis is being flown back to LA.

He's managed to ignore Zayn for most of the past five days. They both know that Zayn's the one that sold him out, but neither wants to bring it up. Louis figures passive-aggressive glaring will suffice until he finds out how badly he's going to be punished.

The next 21 hours are excruciating. He keeps imagining the things Simon could possible do to him for being with Harry. He saw how bad it got when people were speculating that Zayn and him were in a relationship, but now that there really was a secret gay relationship what will happen?

The sun's bright in LA when he lands, and he throws on a pair of sun glasses as a black SUV picks him up from the airport. The driver gives him a sympathetic look as he's driven to Simon's house. His leg hasn't stopped shaking since he's gotten off the plane.

He tries to calm himself down by reminding himself that they can't touch Harry. Harry didn't sign a contract. He's not legally bound. As long as Simon doesn't touch Harry, Louis' fine with anything. Simon can't throw Louis out of the band because they're making too much money. They can completely ruin Louis' image, but they've been doing that for the last five years anyway.

Louis thanks the driver as he slips out the vehicle and makes his way to Simon's mansion. The place has always intimidated Louis, but now the walls look even more looming. Someone stands at the front door to escort Louis back to Simon's private office. This must be a big deal. Normally, Simon lets the boys find their own way in.

The escort opens the large, brown doors and reveals Simon. He sits at his desk, overlooking the garden. Louis hesitantly moves into the office and takes a seat in one of the chairs. Simon waits until the door is closed to start speaking.

After a Moment of silence Simon questions, "Louis, what have I told you about dating since day one?" Louis looks down at his hands and decides he's going to not show weakness. Simon only gets more prideful around fearful people. Not matter what, Louis refuses to give him the satisfaction. 

"I can date anyone in the world as long as they're female," Louis replies. Liam tried fighting the rule when they first got put together (at the time, he was already comfortable with his sexuality), but he didn't have the upper hand and the whole thing fell through.

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