•Ah geez•

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I sat there in front of the stall.
Tears staining my F/C hoodie.
I heard the P.A system ding-

"All clear.I repeat,the school is all clear.We are no longer on lockdown mode.Have a great day."

I sighed.
What time is it anyway?
I took a glance at my watch.
"Wow..I've been here crying for 16 minutes.I should probably get back to class."I said as I stood up and wiped my tears with my hoodie sleeve.

I walked back over to the window.
There was no cop car there nor any cops.
I can't actually believe he's in jail..

"Hey!W-what's going on?"I asked as the cops handcuffed my hands behind my back.
"You're under arrest."One of them said.

"Because of this."One cop said,pulling out a razor from my backpack.
I stared at it wide eyed.


"That's not mine.."I said shaking my head.
"Sure it isn't."He said handing it to a cop.
"Now,you're gonna serve some time.."The cop behind me said.

He pulled off my hood revealing my hair.
He gave a little smirk.

"Tord Larsson."

Y/N sat in the bathroom.
She looked at her watch:
"I should head back to class now.."
She stood up and walked back to window one more time.

Do the others know about this yet?

She walked to the door and opened  it,then went back to class..with red puffy eyes from crying.

"And..I don't know why!!"Y/N said burying her face into Edd's shoulder.
Edd's face turned bright pink.

"Uh..well we didn't know!All we saw were the police lights outside the window but we didn't see Tord there.."Tom said.
Y/N let go of Edd and hugged both Tom and Matt.

"Why do you care so much anyways?"Matt asked.
Y/N let go of the hug and her face turned pink.
"I-uh..well...I kinda...Maybe.."
"Have a crush on him?"Tom asked
"Uh..well..yeah..I do."Y/N's face was now red.

EDDS POV(oh god)•
"Why do you care so much anyways?"Matt asked Y/N.
Y/N let go of the hug.
"I-uh..well...I kinda...Maybe.."Y/N started.

I got nervous.
Does she like him?She probably does..I knew it.Im not worthy of her anyways..but..maybe she doesn't like him and-no.She does like him.And there's nothing I can do about it.Well,lemme just go cry in a corner now.

"Have a crush on him?"Tom asked
"Uh..well..yeah..I do."Y/N said.Her face turned red and she looked down.

My eyes widened and I look at Tom.He gives me a worried look.I feel like my world was just flipped upside down,thrown around,removed everything good about it,then put back into place.
I felt like nothing.

"And..I'm really scared!What if something happens to him!?What if he gets hurt?What if I never see him again?What if..if.."

I felt tears prickle at my eyes.
Nononono.Don't cry!Not now!C'mon Edd!Toughen Up for once!See?This is Why no one likes you.You can't be a man..you're just a weak pile of nothing.No one cares about you!They wouldn't miss you if you were gone!...Yeah..they wouldn't miss you.Not at all.

I turned around and sprinted to the bathroom.But on the way I bumped into something..or someone..
The person turned around and I was greeted with the worst person to ever be born on earth.Smirking at me.

"Hey!Watch where your going loser!"


-So,I won't be able to get the third chapter out this week..sorry! :P

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