to, you

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if you're tired or pained or crushed
i know it seems like it's never going to be ok again
i know it seems like nobody will understand you
i know it hurts like hell and you want to get out
i know that i don't get what you're going through
i'm sorry that things didn't end the way
you wanted to
i'm sorry that you had to deal with things
that made you feel small
i'm sorry that they left all your pains
just to yourself
i'm sorry that they didn't understand you
but urged you to be happy
i'm sorry you feel sorry
for yourself
you feel small but you've done great things
beyond your imagination
you feel worthless but to someone you're needed
either right now or in the future
you feel tired but there's always good things
that are waiting to make you happy

but in the darkest winter nights
i believe you still had hope
you might call it broken
but it's still hope

i know the world has not been kind to you
i'm sorry that people didn't move your heart
you feel like nothing will ever be good again

just give yourself
one more chance

love yourself

to, you.

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