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Merry Christmas guys! First chapter up exactly on Christmas day, wish me luck!

"Can you hurry up?" Elaine shouted from outside the door, to her best friend Jacqueline.

They were in their schools' trip in Ibiza, and they were getting ready to go clubbing.

"Jacqueline!" she shouted.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Jacqueline said and opened the bathroom door.

"Finally!" they walked downstairs and saw that everyone was waiting in the hotel lobby.

"Come on girls! You're late!" a teacher told them.

"We're sorry, sir." they apologized quickly and walked away trying to find their friends Tim and Don.

They spotted them in the middle of the lobby, talking with some other guys. Jacqueline and Elaine waited a little while and after some minutes the guys left so they approached them as quick as someone can walk with heels.

"Hello boys!" Jacqueline exclaimed happily.

"Jacqueline, Elaine, you look... absolutely stunning!" Don complimented them and winked.

"Thanks." the girls said in unison.

"Hey J." Tim greeted. "El."

"Hey Tim, what's up?"

"Don't answer that. We know you're fine, we just saw you like two hours ago. Now let's go!" Elaine exclaimed.

"Alright, alright! Let's get going!" Don agreed.


They walked inside the club, with everybody else and decided to go dancing. Don and Tim left for a while probably drinking, so the girls decided to catch up with them later.

After some time dancing, Jacqueline saw a handsome guy, checking out Elaine.

"Gurl, this guy is totally checking you out!" Jacqueline quickly told her and showed him with her head. "He's hot, go talk to him."

"Okay then." She said and left. Just then, Don appeared out of nowhere. Him and Jacqueline started dancing together and Jacque was secretly watching Elaine and Mr. Hot guy with the corner of her eye.

He was for sure older than Elaine. His brown hair suited perfectly with his blue eyes and he had a muscular body. He seemed at around 20 years old, or so Jacque thought. They were laughing and talking and he seemed like a pretty nice and funny guy. He even offered her a drink, and Jacqueline secretely wished she could find someone like him.

"What are you looking at?" Don asked her. Jacqueline snapped, not realizing she was staring.

"Just Elaine with that guy." she mumbled.

"Are you jealous? Cause I can do something about that." He smirked.

"I'm not jealous, I just," Jacqueline didn't get to finish her sentence because Don grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. His lips tasted like alcohol, and Jacqueline immediately pulled back and sighed.

"Don! What are you doing?" she yelled but no one except Don was able to hear her because of the loud music and people singing and dancing.

"I'm sorry Jacqy. I just couldn't resist." Don said in a pleading tone, like he was asking for more.

"Okay you're drunk. I'll text Elaine and- where's Tim?"

"Who's Tim?" he chuckled.

"Ok, I'll text Elaine and Tim. Now let's go!" Jacqueline got his hand and started walking inside the crowd. Sweaty bodies were the only thing she could see, and after some time, they found the exit and got out of the club.

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