04: wilt

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"have you ever gone ice skating?" mike and will were sitting behind the school in the soft grass, will in his lap while mike played with his hair.

"no. is it fun?" will continued drawing, his sketchbook in his lap.

"yeah, i would be able to hold your hand... catch you when you fall... stuff like that." mike smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist and planted a kiss on his cheek.

he smiled and turned his head slightly, so they were almost kissing.

"can i kiss you?" will asked.

mike giggled and quickly kissed him. "you don't have to ask me every single time."

"sorry." he leaned in for another kiss. "i didn't ask for one that time." he laughed and continued to work on his drawing. mike hid his face in the crook of his neck and closed his eyes, enjoying the slight breeze. it was unusually warm for a winter day, about 60 degrees, although it felt a lot warmer with the two boys cuddling up.

the bell rang and they both sighed, having to get off of each other. "lunch isn't long enough..." will whined and stuffed his sketchbook into his backpack.

"we can go on a date, if you want to." mike slipped his backpack onto his back.

"d-date? when?"

"saturday. we can go ice skating!" he smiled and ruffled will's hair. the smaller boy wrapped his arms around his waist and hugged him, laying his head against his chest.

"okay." mike kissed his forehead and pulled away, the both walking hand in hand to their next class, which they shared, science.

will sat down next to him and pulled out his science textbook, turning to the page written on the chalkboard. about 20 minutes in, mike slipped a note to him.

'meet me in the bathroom?'

he smiled to himself as he watched the curly haired boy walk out of the classroom. he waited about 4 minutes and then raised his hand. "may i go to the bathroom?"

"don't take too long, byers." the teacher groaned and adjusted his glasses.

he practically ran to the bathroom, but he was stopped by two boys. one was dark skinned and had a buzz cut, the other hand blonde curly hair and blue eyes that stood out like a sore thumb. they both hovered over him at least a foot taller.

"you. you're will byers, right?"

"um.. yes?" will looked up at the two, terrified.

"oh my god, it is him!" the blonde said and playfully shoved the other boy.

"listen, kid. you might think that boy wheeler is in love with you or whatever, but he's not. he's fucking around with you. don't trust him." the dark boy said.

"what?" he was confused and scared, he had no idea what was going on. he felt dizzy.

"he likes to play around with innocent people. be careful." they both walked away, leaving will with a million questions.

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