Chapter 35

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Sam's POV

I woke up to the light shining through the blinds. I feel a little pain in my wrists from last night still. I roll over expecting Shawn to still be asleep next to me, but he wasn't. My breathing started getting heavy and i feel the beginning of a panic attack happening. " Shawn?!" i say while my eyes start to get a little teary eyed. "Shawn?!" i say louder crying more thinking seeing him was a dream. As i start crawling back under the covers the door swings open and Shawn runs in because of the crying. 

" Sam, i'm right here, its okay baby" he says out of breath pulling me closer and holding my face in his hands. 

" I..I thought you left me a...and i thought it was a dream." i say crying grabbing his arms that are still holding my face.

"I'm sorry sweets, i was making you breakfast. I didn't mean to scare you, i'm sorry." he says leaning in to kiss my cheek, my nose, and then my lips.

"Please, d..don't leave me." i saying leaning my forehead on his and trying to stop crying.

"I won't, I promise. I don't give a shit what Andrew says. you are coming on the rest of the tour with me because i love you so much and i am not leaving you like this." he says kissing me again.

"okay" i say kissing him back. "but the girls and i are going on a vacation for a month, next month." i say looking at him.

"Okay, so you will be with me for 3 weeks, then you will go on your girls vacation and then you will come back to me, okay?" he says taking my hands in his hands.

"okay" i say smiling and hugging him. we pull apart and he leans in for another kiss. He kisses me gentle yet passionate. I smile into the kiss and whisper i love you. Once i say that Shawn pulls me closer onto his lap and deepens the kiss even more. There's a knock at the door and we quickly stop kissing.

" I got it." he says giving me a quick kiss and gets me off of him to get the door. He opens the door and Mady is standing there with a tray of breakfast food.

" Sorry to interrupt, but the food was done." she says handing the tray to Shawn. 

" Thank you" he said as she starts walking back down the stairs.

" Alright gorgeous, here's your breakfast" Shawn said setting the tray on the bed and then giving me kisses all over my face, which made me laugh. " I love you so much" i said while laughing.

" Baby, I love you more" he said planting a soft kiss on my lips. " By the way our flight leaves in 4 hours honey" he says digging into a waffle.

"OMG, BABE I NEED MORE OF A NOTICE I CANT PACK FOR THAT LONG IN 4 HOURS! I HAVE A BIG PILE OF LAUNDRY!" I yell jumping out of bed and rushing to the other room to do some laundry and pack frantically. Once i put a load in i run back into my closet to grab my suitcase and a whole bunch of clothes. As I'm searching through my closet i feel Shawn come up behind me and hug me from behind. I can feel his breath on my neck and its giving me goose bumps. i feel so weak when i am close to him. I zone everything else out and just focus on his touch. His lips slightly touch my ear and my breath hitches and i bite my lip. I slightly feel his lips moving down to my neck and he instantly kisses my weak spot, which i don't know how he found it right away but i am definitely not complaining. I turn around and kiss his lips while my hands found their way to his neck. The kiss starts to heat up very fast. He leads me out of the closet and toward the bed. We reach the bed never separating our lips from one another. He lays me gently on the bed still kissing me. I feel his lips slowly start leaving mine and i wish they didn't. By the time i open my eyes i feel his lips close to my ear and he whispers " We will finish this later, but right now you are going to eat and i am going to pack your stuff"  and with that he kisses me one last time and then heads to my closet. I watch as he starts pulling clothes for me to wear out of my closet and into a suitcase while I eat the wonderful breakfast he made me, which might I add is my favorite. Waffles with strawberries and whipped cream on top with a side of fruit and bacon. DELICIOUS! 

~~~~~~ A Couple Hours Later~~~~~~

Shawn and I are currently waiting for our flight to Los Angeles where he has a show later tonight. Turns out nothing happened between Shawn and Hailey,  i just overreacted. I can't wait to see Shawn perform, i haven't seen him perform in awhile and to say i've missed it is an understatement. 

"Babe?" shawn says making me come out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" i say smiling over at him.

"I love you" he says with this giant smile on his face coming closer to me.

"I love you more Shawn" i say smiling and leaning in to kiss him. 

Hey guys! i'm sorry it took so long to update but school has been very stressful. However, since i am almost graduating from high school in a month, there will hopefully be more updates soon! ALSO THERE ARE 6.1K READS AND HOLY CRAP THATS AMAZING! Thank you all so much and i hope you like this chapter. Also keep commenting and voting and reading. Also I am gonna change where the girls are heading on vacation to. They are going to go to  Florida, Bora Bora, Hawaii, and Greece. ~Sydney     

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