Episode 2

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Jake's walking down the hall towards the cafeteria when he feels someone pat him on the back. "So, how's the first day so far?"

Jake looks over at David with a small smile and shrugs. "Not bad."

David's eyes widen in surprise. "Really?" He looks straight ahead. "Wow, my first day totally sucked. I tripped walking up the steps to school, the teacher pronounced my last name like 'her-nia' and I totally spilled my chocolate milk all over the lunch room floor."

Jake laughs and throws his head back. "Wow, your day really did suck."

He nods with wide eyes in agreement.

Jake looks over at David with a smirk. "There's still time for me to spill my chocolate milk, though."



Dani's sitting across from Joe at a table in the cafeteria when he looks up at her with interest. "You know Cody's party is this weekend."

"Yeah...and there will be another one next week and the week after that and the week after that. That kid has a serious addiction to lousy parties and bad beer."

"So...I take it you're not going?"

She looks up from her plate to give Joe an incredulous look. "Adam, are you seriously asking me that question? I gave all that up...remember? I don't do popular's and I don't do their stupid, pointless parties."

"You know, I really think me and the old Dani would've gotten along much better."

"No, the old Dani would most definitely not be talking to you right now and would've poured chocolate milk down your pants if you came within 3 feet of her."

"Oh, yeah...now I remember." She chuckles and takes a bite of her food. He takes a sip of his drink and spots Taylor up at the lunch line getting her food. He puts his drink back on the table while continuing to stare past Dani to Taylor.

Dani turns around to follow Joe's stare and rolls her eyes when she sees that he's starring at Taylor. "I don't know why you even waste your time. She's never going to give you the time of day."

He focuses back on Dani. "Oh really? And weren't you the one telling me that I should be more outgoing? Go ask her out."

She holds her hands up in defense. "Whoa, whoa. I never once suggested you ask her out. I would never set you up for that kind of rejection. I just meant that you should...you know...talk a little more...get out and find a girl that's more-"

He gives her a look of irritation and finishes her sentence "-of a loser like me?"

"That's not what I was going to say. Loser is just a label given in high school. If we were in the real world, you would be the boss at a big company and Taylor Alison would be your shoe shiner. Taylor is just a shallow twig with a low IQ. Trust me...at one time, that was me."

He shakes his head as his anger heightens. "You don't know as much as you think you know, Landon. Taylor is not a reflection of yourself. She's not like how you used to be and she's not like Chelsea."

"No, but she is Chelsea's disciple. Which is just as bad."

"You don't even know her!"

She continues to stay calm through Joe's anger. Staying calm was just one of her many traits, it took a lot to upset Dani. "You're right."

Joe ignores her last comment and continues ranting. "You know, just because-" He realizes Dani agreed with him and stops. "...I'm right?"

"Yeah, you're right, I don't know Taylor. So, prove me wrong."

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