THIRTY // Piper

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It takes a few more weeks before I gain enough courage to send the note to Micah.

Which sounds ridiculous, because I shouldn't feel so hesitant about this, but there is still a part of me that wonders if this is real.

Thankfully midterm exams have passed, so that stress is officially in the rearview mirror, no longer keeping me awake at night. Unfortunately, Taylor and Tyler officially ended things on the last day of exams.

I haven't thought about it much because Taylor hasn't wanted to talk much. The entire situation sucks, even Micah said he doesn't understand it. Maybe Tyler just isn't the boy Taylor thought he was.

Still sucks, though.

On New Year's Eve, I decide to send the note to Micah. After more weeks than I wanted, I finally have the courage. Which is endlessly stupid because I know he's probably going to reply with some cheesy remark or something grossly cute. I know he won't be mad at me for making him wait a month, but something inside me tells me it can still be a possibility...even though the likelihood is extremely low.

I open up the notes on my phone, scrolling down to the specific one titled, 'to Mic'.

Think of this as a belated I'm-thankful-for-you present, even if it's a month late now. Belated Christmas present, too.

I smirk, shaking my head. I edit the note a little to fit the present date.

I am not good with this sort of thing. I know you probably know that by now. But I worry a lot that what I'm doing isn't right, so just...bear with me. As you have been doing – thank you for that, by the way, being patient. It means more than you'll ever know.

I was not looking for you when you came into my life four months ago. I was looking for some sort of happiness, sure, but I had no idea it would show up in the form of some messy-haired-jock who happens to have shockingly amazing singing ability.

I was looking for someone to join choir. A guy to join choir. I wasn't looking for something like what we have now to come out of it, but God, am I thankful it did anyway.

So the answer to the question that I can practically hear you rehearsing all the way over here is: yes.

I have a problem with committing to things. I'm terribly afraid of the things I cannot control. But for some unknown godly reason, I am trusting you.

You are worth my time. And know that that means a lot coming from me. Because I don't waste my time on people who aren't worthy of my presence. But you are worthy of it, Mic. You're worthy of it and so, so much more. Stars and galaxies and oceans and everything. But since I can't give those to you, I give you my presence, and allow you to give me yours.

I hope I didn't make you wait too long for this and I hope I can get a big hug from you soon. I miss being in your arms already.

I sigh heavily as I type in the last word, having added the last sentence just now felt right. Even if it sounds gross. So, so gross.

I copy the text and open up my messages, going to Micah and I's conversation. The last time he texted me was two hours ago. He's currently at his mother's boyfriend's house – he finally told me the guy's name: Elliot – for the night. Apparently their relationship is becoming a little more serious now. Micah seems okay about it, but he said Roxie is taking a while to truly warm up to Elliot.

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