3: Blondes and Bandits

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"Don't move."

The voice sounded human, as rough as it was. Miya felt the coolness of the blade against her skin, the metal tempting her to yield to it.

Her bow was just a few inches away, yet something told her that it would be unwise to reach for it. Slipping into her Shadow Guise would also be faulty, seeing as she was so low in mana reserves. She had just enough left for one skill, and she meant for it to be used during the right time and place. Clearly running away now would only mean she'd lose her chance of gathering more information.

More importantly, she'd lose sight of Nana.

If the assailant had wanted her dead, he would've killed her by now. Knowing this, Miya allowed herself to play along. As soon as she found the cat elf, she'd slip into her Last skill and finish off the stranger and any of his unwelcomed friends (though she hoped there weren't any). 

"What do you want." She asked calmly, not moving an inch. The stranger moved into her peripheral view, allowing Miya to see the burly stature of her enemy. He was dressed in camouflage linen and had a face so horrid he could've been mistaken for an Orc. He grinned sinisterly and further pushed the blade against her neck. It broke skin and Miya felt her blood trickling downward towards her shoulder.

"I want yer money, that's what." He spat, flecks of saliva spewing.  "An' all yer emblems."

Pursing her lips, Miya's mind raced. Of all the nights she had slept near danger, it was now she had the misfortune to encounter bandits of all things

The Moon god really was punishing her.

Thinking, the elf thought of ways to get back to camp. She had to find Nana.

"I don't have them now." She answered boldly. "I've hidden them somewhere near the large rock by the cliff."

"If you want them so badly, I'll take you to them." She pushed, looking at the scoundrel dead in the eyes. This audacity of hers only seemed to amuse the man more and he cackled harshly, the sound similar to that of a dying hyena.

"Do ya really think- Yer stupid for a long-ear aren't ya? What makes ya think I'm just gonna let ya waltz outta here alive?"

"My rucksack is magicked." Miya countered smoothly. "It can only be opened by Elven incantations."

The lie seemed to make the bandit ponder a bit. He looked down at her in malice. His eyes roamed her body, causing her to shiver, then he cast them sideways- suddenly noticing her bow.

"Now what do we have 'ere?"

Miya internally blanched at the sight of his grubby hands touching her weapon. The need to snap this man's neck was further fueled by his actions of licking the oaken wood of her bow's shaft. She stared in horror as he continued to examine it with perverse eyes.

"Mighty fine bow you got 'ere."

Miya stayed silent.

"How about I just kill ya and take this 'ere with me to sell. Betcha it'd catch a fine price in the black market." He sneered, sadistically brandishing her bow before her. He still had his right hand on the knife at her neck, which made her unable to move. This was clearly a game of wits. If Miya could just play her cards right, then maybe she could escape without a fight.

"You could do that." She replied indifferently, trying to look unaffected by his threat. "Or you could set me free after I give you my treasure. With tickets, emblems and my lovely bow- now you'd be quite the rich man. I won't be able to do a thing even if you let me go you know. You have my weapon."

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