Chapter 7

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Hey guyz! Wazzup? I uploaded today just like I promised! I even uploaded early! Woo-hoo! Three cheers for Sarah! Whoop! Whoop! Okay, needa calm down. I'm sitting in the library watching Jenna Marbles videos. Hehehehe she's funny(: I wish I could make cool videos... Oh well :D Song on the side Stand Up cuz I'm hyper and I like to dance to that song. Yay for dancing! Okay well you probably ignored all this anyway so I'll just get to the story. ~

Enjoy!     -Sarah Xx

PS it's short again so I'm going to upload again on Saturday! :D

Chapter 7

“Thanks for waking me up, losers!” I scolded the boys and threw pillows and cushions at them.

“Sorry! We kind of had a show to do you know!” Liam protested, setting the pillows back in their original places.

I sighed. “I know. It’s just that that’s the second concert I’ve missed from falling asleep or getting knocked out!”

Zayn put his hands on my shoulders. “It’s okay Leah, breathe. You will get to see us in concert. We swear. We have to leave soon so gather up your stuff. We have a hotel tonight because we don’t have another show until Wednesday down in Miami.”

I yawned and stretched, “What’s today again?”

Zayn shook his head. “It’s about midnight right now so… Sunday?”

Niall bumped into Zayn with his shoulder, “No dude, it’s Monday.”

Harry yawned, sleepiness in his eyes. “Are you sure it’s not… Tuesday?”

Liam’s eyes closed, “Uh, I’m pretty sure it’s not Tuesday.”

Louis let out a giant yawn, “Yeah, I think it’s Monday.”

I yawned again. “C’mon let’s just go to the hotel.” We gathered up our stuff and piled in a van that was waiting outside. All of us fell asleep on the way there and the driver had to shout to wake us up.

I walked gripping on to Niall’s shirt, unable to keep my eyes open I was so tired. We were given a room key and Liam punched the top floor button once we got to the elevator. When we got in the room it was huge with three bedrooms, two couches, a full bath with Jacuzzi and a fully stocked kitchen. All of the beds were huge so Harry and Louis split one, Liam and Zayn split another and Niall and I split one. I was so tired I didn’t even think about how awkward that would normally be.

I fell asleep on Niall’s shoulder, breathing in his sweet Irish smell.

                “GET UP! GET UP YOU LAZY BUM! WE’RE GOING SHOPING! GET UP GET UP GET UP GET UP!” Louis shouted in my ear.

                I groaned. “One more second, please?” I begged.

“Nope! We need to get you shopping especially since you don’t have any clothes to wear.” Louis pointed out.

I rolled over and found myself on top of Niall. I rolled back over, “Sorry Niall.” I looked over at him but he’s still asleep.

“What time is it?” I asked Louis while rubbing my eyes.

“About 9? You guys were wiped out.” He said and grinned adorably. I held out my arms and he carried me bridal style to the kitchen where Harry was making pancakes. Liam and Zayn were drinking coffee, sitting at the bar.

“Do you have any more coffee?” I asked them. “I’m literally dying.”

Liam nodded and poured me a cup. Niall came in the room, his blonde hair sticking in every which way. His eyes were wide and he looked over at me. “What’s wrong Nialler?” I asked him playfully.

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