Chapter 4

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Ikhlas pov
On Sunday afternoon,Richie and Ikhlas Went for an important meeting.on getting to the company in which the meeting was to be held.they both discovered that the meeting had taken place already."how is this possible?"Ikhlas leaned on the car confused

"I have no idea"Richie said also confused.he quickly spotted one of the meeting members"excuse me"he said rushing towards him "I am a little bit confused,was the meeting time changed?"

"Yes it was,didn't you receive a mail"the man said before leaving

"It means a mail was sent to your phone?"

Richie quickly took his phone from his pocket and went through it "I never received a mail"

"Are you sure?"Ikhlas paused for a while "ya Allah!"she sighed "check the trash,maybe your inbox was full and you deleted the messages "

Richie did exactly as he was told "holy shit!now I know what happened "

"What is it?"

"Nicole,see you tomorrow "he said in a tensed tune

Ikhlas held his hands"don't let anger take over you"she said with a smile on her face

"Why are you smiling?"he asked

"Because it's sunnah"

"And what is that?"he asked in a confused tone

"I will tell you tomorrow"

"Okay,let's go so I will drop you off"

"No it's okay,someone is coming to fetch me"


Andrew pov
Andrew and Ikhlas sat in the car,he was driving and Ikhlas was having chocolates.andrew cleared his throat"so how was the meeting?"

"There was no meeting,"

"Why?"he matched the breaks and stopped the car "what is wrong?"

"I have no idea "

Andrew gave her a peck on her cheek"look if you are having a hard time in your place of work,you can work in mine.perheaps you studied accountant "

She started into his amazing green eyes"am fine,I'm not having a hard time at all,am just stressed up,drop me home so that I will rest"

"Okay"he started the engine of the car.he turned on his stereo which played rockstar by twenty one savage and post Mahone

"I love this song"Ikhlas said excitedly

"So do I"

I'm seriously starving,can we stop at a restaurant?"

"Sure,at least I have more time to spend with you "he said with a smile on his face.few minutes passed and they arrived at a restaurant.they got into the restaurant.ikhlas bumped into a blonde lady "in sorry"Ikhlas bent down and picked up the lady's purse which fellow the floor

"Its okay "

Andrew walked into the restaurant after having his car parked at the parking lot "is everything okay?"he asked Ikhlas.he looked at the other lady"Vanessa,"he said with a hug "what a coincidence "

"You know her?"Ikhlas asked

"Yeah,she is the lady I told you about last nice"andrew said to Ikhlas "Vanessa meet Ikhlas,Ikhlas meet Vanessa "
They all exchanged pleasantries,when they were done,they moved to a table.a waitress served them their preferred meal.

"Honey,are you okay"Andrew asked Ikhlas while holding her left hand

"Yes I am,enjoy your meal"Ikhlas replied

Vanessa didn't concentrate on her meal any longer,she watched as Andrew and Ikhlas had a smooth conversation "that could have been me and not her "she said loudly

Andrew stared at her "did you talk to me?"

Vanessa dropped the fork which she held"no..not at all"

"Okay,Vanessa,meet Ikhlas once again,my girlfriend "

Vanessa coughed "sorry"she sipped a cup of water "nice to meet you again,hope you are taking care of my buddy?"

Ikhlas chuckled "of course yes"

"Shall we leave?"Andrew asked

"Sure"Vanessa and Ikhlas replied at the same time

They got into the car and drove off

Richie pov
Richie left the bar,after having a drink.he went home and told mr George his George summoned Nicole and mrs George and made it clear that if Nicole should keep on doing all these childish stuffs,he will have no choice but to allow Richie take over the hotel and Nicole will seek for another job somewhere.

"For Christ sake,I did it because you And mom allowed Richie to go for the meeting which I was suppose to attend.thats my field and not Richie's"

"Be quiet "mrs George yelled at Nicole "Richie,this isn't your fault at all"

"Yes aunt,its Nicole's fault"Richie angrily pointed at Nicole "you ought to mend your ways"Richie yelled at Nicole

"Shut the fuck up,don't yell at me?"Nicole yelled back

"And what will you do if I yell at you,you are nothing but a spoilt brat"

"Enough!enough the both of you,show some respect and don't argue in front of i and my wife"mr George held mrs George by the waist "let's leave darling,those youngsters have lost their mind "he said as he led her to her bedroom

"Nicole,am warning you for the very last time never to cross my path again"

"Oh please,stop making empty threat"Nicole warned "I dislike you"

Richie grabbed Nicole arm "don't you ever touch my phone again."he said before letting go of her arm "stop acting bitchy"

"If you have nothing else to say,you better move to your room and have a shower you smell of alcohol "

Richie walked to the stairs and almost fell down on the stairs "holy shit"

Nicole sighed "imagine the fool"Nicole moved closer to Richie and assisted him,took him to his room,took off his shoes,suit and wrist watch.leaving him only on his white vest and short(boxer)"good night dummy "she said before switching off the lights and slamming the door behind her.

Hope u enjoyed it????😁😁😁

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