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THE NEXT DAY Genevieve awoke to the sun filtering in through her lace curtains and Petal purring in her arms.  She could feel that her eyes were slightly swollen and cheeks stained red from crying herself to sleep.  The previous night's events flashed through her mind causing her lip to wobble and body to heat up.  Genevieve was so confused about what was happening to her.  She had never known what this type of passion was—if her burning body yearning for him was that.

     She was broken from her thoughts by a knock on her door.  Her grandfather poked his head through the opening with a wide, tumultuous smile, only for it to fall at the sight of his distressed granddaughter.  "What happened?  Did Clarissa hurt your feelings or something?"

     Her eyes began to water again; how was she to tell her grandfather what her problem was?  Genevieve internally cursed at herself for being such an incompetent cry baby.  She couldn't stop crying for one moment, for she was a complete wimp and pansy.  Why couldn't she conceal her feelings like Clarissa?  Maybe that was why everyone spoke down to her like she was a child; she acted like one.

     Her grandfather entered her bedroom once he saw her turn away and her body begin to shake slightly.  "Darling, my little princess, what is wrong?"  He sat beside her anxiously waiting for her to confide in him like she usually does.  "You know you can tell me, Genevieve."

     She turned around suddenly with Petal in her arms, her bottom lip wobbling along with damned tears staining her adorable cheeks and hiding her sprinkle of freckles.  She hastily wiped away stray tears as she attempted to harden her face, only to end up looking like a constipated kitten.  "Do you love m-me, grandpa?"  She sniffled weakly as Petal began to lick her hand affectionately.

     "Why would you ever ask that, Genevieve?  Of course I do!"  He was astounded by her question.  How could she ever doubt something like that; she was his granddaughter, and he loved her with all his heart.  "Is something going on, did something happen?"

    Genevieve hunched over dejectedly, "I-I'm just a complete cry baby.  I can't handle anything, I'm incapable of any social interaction.  I'm impossible."  She divulged sadly as she let a couple tears trail down her cheeks.  "Clarissa is so good at hiding everything and socializing, and just being a popular girl in general.  I'm just her loner, social p-pariah of a best friend that can't even tell a boy where the m-main office is!"

     Her grandfather pulled her in for a hug, trying to calm her haywire nerves.  "You are an innocent little princess.  So what if you're shy?  You are brilliant and outgoing around people you know." He tried his best to make her feel better, only succeeding slightly.  "Now, is there a certain someone that's making you insecure about yourself."  His eyes darkened dangerously as he pulled her away by his shoulders.  "You would tell me, wouldn't you?  You know I can take care of them easily."

     "I-I sort of met s-someone, grandpa, and I'm scared." Her lip began to wobble again as she thought of how he would grow to dislike her due to her attributes.  How could a man like him ever like a girl like her?  It simply wasn't logical for someone so masculine to like a small, insignificant girl like her.

     Her grandfather's eyes hardened and small smile drew into a tight lipped frown.  "What do you mean you met someone?  Romantically speaking?  Or did you make a friend?"  He questioned, worrying over having to further protect his granddaughter. 

     "Romantically I g-guess."  She looked down at her hands and a small smile grew on her face, her eyes slightly brightening at the thought of Giovanni.  He caused such conflicting emotions from her.  How was she to live if one moment he made her smile and the next he made her cry.  It was a ridiculous notion that he might be with her for the long run, as she perceived it, but the thought of a happily ever after with him had never made her so content yet scared.

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