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How? Nobody until now remembers me dying. Why him? Why now? "Kyle?" I took a hold of his arms moving his hands from Kyle's face. Tears streamed down his face. "I'm sorry Kyle. Sorry you had to remember that without anyone to talk to." He sniffled "It's not your fault. No matter how much I'd like to blame you." The beautiful redhead took his arms from my grasp and wiped his green eyes. Damn emotions again. I heard my phone go off from some where near by. Looking around I saw it on the night stand by Kyle's bed. I stared at it taking it and looking at the cracked screen. I squinted at it tossing it aside. Kyle shuffled getting closer to me. "What was that about?" I looked to him than my phone. I shrugged "Fuck, I dunno I just." The redhead wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "You fucking asshole." He pulled me against him. "Damn Ken you're freezing." I nodded "Well I was in a pond while it was snowing." I shuddered at the thought. His arms tightened around me. I grimaced the pain from my wounds returning. "Could you be more gentle? Everything still hurts." Kyle loosened his grip on me. "I'm sorry got carried away."

I left later that evening. After I had eaten. I couldn't just stay there and say nothing. So I thought it would be better to run from my feelings. I was so right. . no wrong that was a perfect time to make a move. Instead I was walking in the heaving snow fall to where? Craig's place? Sweet Jesus, I didn't bother knocking just walked in. I was still in Kyle's clothes. What could I say it smelled nice. I also really couldn't bring myself to go home. Craig looked at me from his spot on the couch. He raised an eyebrow. I waddled over and laid down on the couch putting my head on Craig's lap and looking up at him. Tears burned my eyes. I pushed them away. "What the hell are you doing McCormick?" I pulled a hand through my hair. "Sorry not really sure why I came here. I can leave if you want?" The blue eyed boy looked down at me sighing in defeat. "No, you're fine I don't really mind you being here." He reached and pulled something from the back of the couch. Taking a lighter he lit it. Blowing the smoke into the air. More tears rolled down my cheeks. Why was I crying? Craig started to gently pet my hair with his free hand. I vigorously rubbed my eyes trying to stop the tears. "Calm down Kenny. You're alright no need to cry." He spoke softly setting down his cigarette. "What has gotten you so upset?" His hand continued running trough my hair. I shrugged "I'm not sure?" Craig shook his head "What happened with Kyle?" I blinked up at him my vision blurred by the tears. "How'd you know I was with Kyle. . . Oh right the clothes." I sighed wiping my eyes more. "He just helped cover some of my injuries and made sure I was okay before letting me leave." I might have stretched the truth a little bit with that but whatever. Craig took a breath petting my hair. "So why do you think this would be upsetting to you?" Why is he helping me? "I'm not sure." I was lying. I knew why it upset me so much. I didn't want to tell Craig though. I still don't think I could one hundred percent could trust him. He didn't say anything. Picking back up his cigarette and blowing smoke above his head. I watched him quietly. The rhythm of his hand in my hair helping me calm down. I pulled the sleeves of the shirt Kyle gave me and covered my mouth and nose. Bring my knees closer to myslef. "Just overwhelmed then? Cause you don't seem like someone to just cry without a reason."

I rolled over my hands sliding on the smooth metal surface. "You're still coming back here? Looks like you haven't figured it out yet." The voice rumbled through the empty space. "I'm not sure if he will figure it out." That sounded like Butters. I was finally standing. Turning I saw the all too familiar shadows standing against a harsh white glow. "I believe you're right Leo." Stan agreed nodding his head. "Could we help him?" shortest asked sadly looking to the silhouette farthest away. He shook his head in response "I told you he needs to do this on his own. We can't interfere." I blinked at them looking down at my hands. They started to tremble the feeling of standing gone. I was falling again, but I couldn't scream as I was yanked from the light. 

My eyes opened being greeted by a bright light. I quickly blinked try to adjust to the sudden brightness. A voice sounded from near by "Finally awake Kenny?". I rolled slowly on the couch I had fallen asleep on. Craig sat with Token, Clyde, Tweek and Jimmy on the floor playing a board game. I had slept at his place? Groaning I sat up my body aching from the other night at the pond. "Wow, you look even more beat up." Token remarked watching as Clyde moved a piece on the broad. I shrugged "Had I slept here?" The raven haired boy cursed as his piece got taken from the game. "Yeah, you passed out and I didn't feel like waking you up and dealing with you. I was able to get you clothes that didn't belong to Kyle." He tossed the dice he had to Jimmy who caught it and rolled for his turn. I looked on the couch and saw the recognizable orange fabric. "Thanks." I mumbled grabbing the clothes intending to change. Tweek stopped me "Also Kyle stopped by and put your phone in the kitchen. There is also coffee made." Of course there was. I nodded leaving the living room. My hands fumbled the handle before the door to the restroom squeaked open. I tossed the clothes the short redhead had lent me. Shutting the and locking the door. Walking over to the mirror I looked at my scared and bandaged body. My mind trailed back to the dream I had, or at least what I could remember from it. What goal had they talked about? Why wouldn't they helped me? I trailed my hand over some of the blood soaked bandages. Jumping as someone hammered the bathroom door "What's taking you so long?". Craig yelled from the outside of the door. I sighed "Sorry." he grumbled about that not being an answer to his question walking away. I scrambled and got my clothes on grabbing Kyle's and leaving the room. I shuffled back downstairs placing the clothes I borrowed in a corner to come back to. "Gee took long enough!" Clyde rushed by going up stairs. I watched going to the kitchen. Sure enough my broken up phone sat on the counter by the coffee pot. I swiped it up trying to turn it on to no avail. It had no battery "Fuck me!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air and letting it fall back to the counters. "S. . so . sorry you aren't my type." A voice answered from the other room. "Whatever Jimmy!" I yelled back taking a cup and making myself some coffee. 

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