0.13 | D.O.M

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"WHERE ARE WE NOW?" Valarie questioned as she walked towards the doors; Martha and the Doctor both close behind. She stared back at him until Martha was pressing against her back. She opened the doors and stepped out.

"Ah! Feel that Atlantic breeze, nice and cold!" The Doctor excitedly shouted as he walked around the girls. He walked behind them and looked upwards, urging the two to follow.

"Martha, Val, you've meet my friend." He stated, prompting the two to turn and gawk as they stood at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

"Oh my god! The Statue of Liberty!"

"Gateway of the new world. Give me your tired, your poor, masses yearning to breath free." He recited as they stared up at the brilliant statue. Valarie had seen it many times before in books and movies, but for now it was seemingly even more breathtaking then what she could remember.

"It's brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York. I mean, the first. Not the New, New, New, New, New, York." She stated, remarking back to their last trip that went somewhat wrong. But those people were free and happy now.

"Well, there's a genuine article. So good they named it twice." He said, turning away and walking towards the edge of the island were the city line of New York was. It was significantly shorter then what either girl had seen, indicating it must not be present day or future.

"Now what year is it? Can't be future or present. Look, Empire State is still being built." Valarie pointed. Martha turned towards a bench were a newspaper laid.

"Still got a couple of floors in progress but the main part is done. Which means the date must be-"

"November First, 1930." Martha interrupted, holding the newspaper in hand. The Doctor turned, not noticing she has the paper. "You did good." He took the paper from her hands.

"Used to seeing all of this in those black and white news reels. It's so beautiful. It almost never seemed real. Kind of like Disney World." Valarie snorted, taking in the scene of New York City. She bit her lip and turned to the Doctor. "C'mon, where to first?" She asked him with pleading eyes. He seemed too wrapped up in the newspaper in hand.

"I think our detour just got longer." He mumbled, flashing a headline at the two.



"Herbert Hoover, thirty-first president of the United States. Came to power a year ago. Up till then New York was a boom town, roaring twenties and then..."

     "Wall Street crash, when was that? Nineteen-twenty-nine?" Martha asked. The Wall Street crash was something both women knew, having learned about it in school. "Yup." The Doctor replied.

     "Economy gone in the blink of an eye. Thousands unemployed and the masses suddenly have no where to go. So, they end up in Central Park."

      "What, people actually lived here? Middle of the park?" Valarie asked. The Doctor's eyebrows peaked as a man rode by the three on a bicycle.Martha held her arms, as it was fall and the wind was becoming quite chilly. Leaves crunches under the feet on the path way within Central Park.

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