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I fix my dress for the nth time.

"Belle, stop fussing. You look great." Vina scolds.

I shake my head. "I'm so nervous. My role is kinda big, you know. And there're no recent updates."

Vina's laugh fades . "Yes, I know. I also know you'll do great. And they're okay. Just don't focus on it right now."

The last song starts and she walks out with the others.

I play Alphaba and I'm about to go back on stage for the finale. And I'm nervous.

Ray decided to end the musical with the song 'For Good.' The message is nice and gives a clear message as to what will happen. He also sort of wanted the ending to be like a little cliff hanger.

Glinda sings and I walk out. Then it's my turn.

It well may be, that we will never meet again in this life time.
But let me say before we part, so much of me is made of what I learned from you.
You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart.
And now whatever way our stories end, you know you have rewritten mine by being my friend

Like a ship blown from its mooring,
by a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a sky bird
in a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you,
Because I knew you,
I have been changed for good...

The song finishes and we get a standing ovation. Melissa was true to her word when she said we'd get a full house.

After curtain call, we take a bunch of pictures then meet up with our little family of friends.

"You two were great!" Mandy exclaims, hugging Vina and I. Felicia greets the same and gives us a proud smile.

"I'm so proud of you girls." Trevor says, giving us hugs.

Vina and I smile but we both see concern and worry in each other's eyes.

Felicia and Daniel treat us out once again in their restaurant. Mallorie was left at home to care for her younger sister.

We sit in a private room again and talk about the musical and our upcoming tour. I think everyone's trying to focus our thoughts on something far from the calamity going on in Famous.

Even Mark and Axle are more tense and cautious.

Melissa comes in and sits beside Felicia, smiling at all of us. "Congratulations on such a good performance!"

We thank her but I think she notices our faces. Her smile fades a bit as well.

"There are no deaths and only two casualties." She says quietly.

Everyone's ears are attentive and all eyes are on her.

She sighs, her smile all gone. "Everyone made it out. Only two workers got burned badly since they were the last ones out. All those part of the conference are okay. Some scratches and first or second degree burns, but okay."

I sigh a breath of relief. Thank You, God.

We slowly go back to more joyful conversation, and I can feel Vina's spirits rise, as well as mine, when we hear all the good news of the tour Melissa has arranged. We not only have fully packed houses, but many looked up to names were mentioned to be supporting as well.

We head back home after desserts with full stomachs and happier hearts.

Tour day!!!

I hurriedly check everything I packed.

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