Chapter Twenty Nine - [The Wedding.]

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I was holding Brantley's hand.

He was on one side of the doorway, and I was on the other. I couldn't see him, but I could feel the firm, steady grip as he interlaced his fingers with my own. I wanted to slip around the corner and embrace him, but I couldn't.

It was bad luck for the groom to see his bride on the day of their wedding.

"I missed you last night."

I had spent the night before with Rose so I wouldn't see him in the morning and cause us to have bad luck. I wasn't normally one to follow superstitions, but this one wasn't one I was willing to take a chance on.

"I missed you, too," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

I couldn't believe this day had finally come. In less than an hour, Brantley and I were going to be married. He was going to be my husband. I was going to be a wife. A ridiculous grin spread across my face. I couldn't be happier.

"Are you going to tell me yet where we're going on our honeymoon?" I asked. I could practically see the crooked smile that lit up his face.

"Not a chance."

"I didn't think so."

A photographer was in the background, clicking away with her camera. My mother, Charlotte, Rose, and Callie were messing around with their hair and make up and pretending that they weren't listening to every word that Brantley and I were saying.

The hair dresser beckoned me over. If we didn't start my hair soon, it wouldn't be ready in time. I was going to do my own hair, or have Callie or Rose do it, but Brantley had insisted on the whole nine yards. He wanted me to get pampered today.

"I've got to go now. Meet you at the alter?" I squeezed his hand again, and he squeezed back.

"I'll be there."

He'd always be there.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. I added in a whisper. "So much."

I slipped my hand from his and sat down in front of the mirror.

As the hairdresser did my hair, my mother and Charlotte helped each other with their hair. I caught Charlotte's eyes and beamed at her. My mother and I were slowly but surely getting closer. I didn't think this would happen, but considering everything that happened.

But now that my mother was sober, she was a completely different person. She was kinder, and more thoughtful. She was growing as a person, and I could see the strides she was making and the effort that she continued to make.

I was so glad she was in my life. It was leaps and bounds from where we were nearly three years ago now.

When I brought it up to Charlotte that she was coming to the wedding, Charlotte welcomed her with open arms. I wasn't sure why I'd ever been nervous.

The hairstylist did my hair in a half up, half down curly style with a couple of flowers tucked into the portion of my hair that was pinned up. My make up was done lightly, but it looked beautiful nonetheless.

Gone was the beautiful engagement ring Brantley had gotten for me; it would soon be replaced with whatever beautiful wedding ring he had picked out. That was another surprise he had gotten for me.

"You look beautiful," My mother said as she carefully pinned the veil into my hair.

"So do you."

She was wearing a gorgeous lilac dress that looked great on her.

The girls went left the room to take their seats and their spots in the wedding party. I had a moment to myself. I took a long, deep breath and looked in the mirror. This was it. And I couldn't wait.

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