Christmas Fever (Special Event)

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Thrid Pov

The night before Christmas, all of the ninjas were around. Well, besides one...


Y/n was sick in their hotel, and not out with her friends.

"Why do I have to be sick?" Y/n moaned out, lying tiredly in bed.

She may seem sick but she was happy for roommate.


"Lloyd, I swear," Y/n paused to sneeze. "If you stay you'll get sick."

"I don't care, you need help," Lloyd said sympathetically.

"Just go hand out those Christians presents to the kids with out me."

Y/n crashed my face into my bed placing the pillow in my back head.

Y/n heard a sigh from Lloyd, "Fine. Only for you."

Y/n could only sense a small smile from Lloyd as he shut the lights off.

"I feel so lonely!" Y/n complained out loud to no one.

Your pov



Lost in your mind...

I knew where that song was coming from, so I threw my hand over to my phone before the ringtone could continue.

I swiped right and placed it to my ear.



"Hey Y/n, how ya feeling?"

"Better knowing I'm not getting you sick."

I heard in laugh threw the phone.

"Hi!!!" a high pitch voice screamed.

It had to be Jay or Ginny. Or maybe Kai screaming that sounded like 'Hi'.

I heard Lloyd laugh, "You want to talk to her?"


I laugh as I cough as Ginny gotten the phone.

"Hi! How you doing?!"

"Great, Ginny. But I can say I've been better," I said, smiling.

"Lloyd told me how you refused for him to stay with you. You would really love it," Ginny said seductively.

"Ginny, I'll tell your mom for talking that way."


I backed my phone away from my ear knowing how powerful that girls scream is.

"Hey, you ok?" a male voice asked, known as Lloyd.

"Hah, besides a little mad at Ginny's mom for shipping us, even though I've told her we're not dating," I laughed it off.

"Anyway what is shipping?"

I starred blankly in my hotel room, how dumb can Lloyd be?

"Are you joking with me?" I asked.

"Oh... Y/n?"


"Kai told me. I didn't know people did that."

I smack my sick face into my hand, "Really?"

"Yeah? Is that bad?"

"N-" I stop to cough "No."

"Ok, well Y/n I have to go the kids are coming in quick."

I slightly laughed as I coughed, "It's fine, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas."

I hung up, then got up out of my comfy bed and sleeply walked to my dresser. I slipped out of my joggers and baggy t-shirt and into a Pink bra and shorts.

Jumped back into bed, and closed my heavy eyes.

Lloyd's Pov

'I should probably go see if Y/n's ok', I thought.

"Hey guys, I'm heading back," I announced.

"Why?" Cole asked.

"I know," Kai says sexually.

"OooOoo, I know now!" Jay turned around and did that werid thing with his hands.

"I just want to see if she's ok," I said shyly.

"I trust you, just don't-" I cut off Kai.

"No, Kai. No. You can, I won't," I say before I left.

"I am confused," Zane said.


I pulled out the card, and opened the door slowly. I looked around in the dark room.

Y/n was crashed down in her bed, covered in her blankets.

My... At least she not up, she punch me

I grabbed her blanket the flew off the bed, and placed it on her. I notcied her peaceful face, the bags under her eyes were not as dark. Her mouth was slightly open.

"Mm... Noo... Plese... Nato... Him..." Y/n mummbled in her sleep.

Her words made out, 'Mm, no please not to him.' Her face was scrunched up, her hand was gripping tight on the bed sheet and her other hand was opened wide. As if it was waiting for someones hand.

I placed my hand in her and watched as she went peaceful. Like as if the nightmare left her.

"Ssstaaae... Pease..."

I listen to her words as if they were for me, I joined her in bed. Quietly slipping my body into the blankets. My hand never left her's, but for that second I left her face scrunched up again.

I wrapped her smaller body near mine. As I did that, I notcied her clothes was just a bra and shorts.

"That explains all the blankets," I mumbled.

A small smile creep across her hot face.

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