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Momo ran back onto the second floor and stopped back into the Italy exhibit. She slightly poked one of her eyes out of the doorway and suddenly heard distant clanking. "I knew They weren't down this hallway... Damn it all..." thought Momo... She drew her head back from the doorway and breathed silently... She couldn't tell which if they were sneakers or high heels.

"Momo!" yelled out ??? "where are you?!"

Momo didn't want to yell out, just in case if it was that A~Chan mannequin. She tried not to be seen. She had to peep one of her eyes out of the doorway... As much as she hated to see who or what was calling out to her, she did it anyway. As soon as she peeked out of the doorway, the A~Chan mannequin was right in front of her... She jolted from the doorway. Momo had a lump in her throat, prevented her from screaming. But, the mannequin grabbed her and held her close...

"Ta-tasuke-tasukete..." The mannequin mumbled

"N-nani?" asked Momo

"MOMO! MOMO!" yelled Kai, from a distance

The A~Chan mannequin looked behind her before staring at Momo with her dead eyes and dropping her. Momo jolted onto her stomach and watched the A~Chan mannequin run away...

"Did she say.... Help me?" wondered Momo

"Momo!" yelled Kai, running to her aid "are you okay?"

"I'm not okay" she said, in a singing tone

"I see what you did there" chuckled Kai "but, seriously are you okay"

Momo stared off into the distance, thinking about what A~Chan mannequin had told her... Ignoring Kai's question. She felt a shake on her shoulder.

"Momo! did you hear me?" asked Kai "are you actually okay?"

"Ah! oh, yeah i'm okay" said Momo "I just..."

Momo's words started drifting off into space...

"You just what Momo?" asked Kai

"Minu..." mumbled Momo, walking away from Kai

Kai followed Momo. "Minu... Please... Please be okay..." thought Momo, breaking into a run.

"MOMO! CHOTTO!" yelled Kai, running after Momo

Momo listened to her surrounding, ignoring the wind, and Kai following behind her. She closed her eyes and listened for Minu... Without looking of what's ahead of her, she dodged every single obstacle that was in front of her. Kai watched Momo dodge all of the obstacles. "How does she know where Minu is with all the wind rushing through her ears?" wondered Kai. Momo suddenly opened her eyes, seeing a bright light at a far end of a hallway. 

       "MINU~CHAN" yelled Momo, running even faster than she can normally run

Momo suddenlyfelt a pain down at the same ankle where she broke it. Or worse, she felt the same pain on both ankles... She fell hard onto the ground and landed a few feet in front of the light, which turned out to be Perfume, trying to heal Minu's ankle. Kai slid on her knees, lifting Momo up and dragging her towards the fleshy-loking mannequins. the three girls were no longer mannequins.

       "P-Perfume?!" wondered Momo

Momo jumped out of Kai's arms and landed on the floor, caring less about how much it hurt to land on the hard tile floor. Momo dragged her lower body on the floor, using all of the muscles in her arms to get closer to Perfume. A~Chan noticed and quickly walked over to Momo, and picked her up. Kashiyuka walked over to Kai and guided her over to the group. 

       "I dont- I don't understand whats-"

       "Sorry that we've scared you" said Kashiyuka

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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