Chapter 33: Jasper

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"That is the dumbest idea I have ever heard!" Jasper exclaimed.

"It is not a dumb idea, right Brenan?" Lucas asked, looking to Brenan for support.

"It's a pretty terrible plan," Brenan deadpanned.


"You guys just aren't looking at this with an open mind," Lucas sighed, shaking his head. "It could work."

"The chances are slim to none, Luke. I mean, sneaking into the security building? It's literally full of officers! We might as well be walking into a jail cell!"

"Yeah, I'm with Jasper on this. We can't just waltz in there and get the code. There'd have to be serious planning involved to pull that off; weeks worth," Brenan added. "And we just don't have the resources."

"Then we plan," Lucas said. "We take as long as we need to come up with a solid plan of execution. As far as resources go...we can deal with that later."

Jasper wasn't feeling too cofident in this idea, but it was something. He just didn't like the idea of doing something so risky. What would happen if we got caught? Who would expose the truth then? Who would help Sydney? But, despite his hesitations, he recognized they didn't have anything better.

"Okay," Jasper spoke up.

"Okay?" Lucas and Brenan asked simultaneously.

"Yeah, okay. We'll see what kind of plan we can come up with, but...if it's too much, we drop it and try something else."

Brenan still looked skeptical while Lucas nodded his head in agreement.

Okay, let's find a way in.

Two weeks had gone by, and every day the three of them met up in Brenan's room to keep working. Conditioning was getting more and more grueling, and each day that went by only made Jasper want to quit. He was growing tired of Sergeant Payne, and Baron was still a pain in the neck, although he was increasingly becoming less of one ever since the incident where he made him eat dirt. The only thing keeping Jasper there was the lack of solid evidence to confirm who was really behind the attack.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but this could actually work," Brenan chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, it's still a little rough, but guys, we're seriously onto something!" he exclaimed as he typed away on his computer.

Jasper made sure to keep his expectations low, just in case things didn't work out, but when Brenan made comments like that, it was hard to do so. We're onto something.

"Yeah, but we still have a big issue. How are we going to get anywhere looking like a bunch of students?" Lucas pointed out. "I mean, once we get in, we're going to stick out like a sore thumb."

Jasper racked his brain for a solution, but was coming up short. The only way they wouldn't stand out was if they looked like security officers, and they didn't. It didn't matter if they got pass the guards when they would just get caught once they were inside.

"It sucks that we can't even take this to anyone," Brenan complained, referring to telling the authorities about the conspiracy. "They'd either be in on it, or they wouldn't believe us."

"Yeah. It's a darn shame our own government can't be trusted," Lucas agreed. "That's politics for you. It's just a game they play to-"

"Before we go down that rabbit hole," Jasper cut in. "We need to focus on how to blend in. Obviously, what we need are uniforms."

"Well, they don't sell those to civilians, Jasp. How do you expect us to get some?"

"I don't know," he said. "Over a month ago, when Sydney was still here and the attack had just happened, I was able to get inside the security office because all the guards were gone. I wasn't paying much attention at the time, but I'm pretty sure I saw a pile of dirty uniforms in a cart near the back entrance."

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