》ch. 10

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Currently, you and the crew were dodging the hits that Oars was sending to you guys. "This little bitch is really taking advantage of his newfound power," I mutter before dodging another hit.

Suddenly, Morriah made the zombie turn into a giant ball.

"Why the hell would you make him into a ball?! That doesn't even look cool!" I yelled. "He looks like a complete retard!"

"Do you really think so Holy Waters?! Well, take this!" The giant ball of zombie started to roll towards you guys.

"Why the fuck is he moving now?!" I yell before sprinting off with the rest of the group.

Oars transformed back into his normal form as Zoro and I charged into the fight. Right behind us was Usopp with his slingshot ready to throw Brook right into the field of fight. We heard Brook's laugh and before we knew it he went straight through the monster's arm.

"Are you ready bitch face?!" Zoro said while running faster towards the giant.

"You should try to keep up with me you stupid cunt!" I yelled back an insult before I pulled my sword backward.

"Two Sword Style!"

"Sea King Saltwater Bite!"

Our attacks merged together, but it all seemed to be useless when he dodged the attack and went straight to Brook. I breathed heavily, that attack always takes up my energy.

"I'm getting restless, I can't keep using these saltwater techniques..." I mutter to myself, looking down at my hand I realize I look much paler. I touch my neck and feel it feels a lot like ice. "Just a little bit longer, hurry up Luffy."

After Oars sent his flying rubber kick to Brook, his next target was Usopp who had previously tired attacking the zombie.

I was going to run and save the sniper but noticed that the attack never came his way. "He's not stretching anymore."

I looked over to Robin who had her arms crossed over he chest. "Perfect Robin, thank you!" I yell before moving myself in front of Morriah. He was getting choked by Robin as I punched his stomach with a saltwater fist. I seemed effective as he was coughing up blood in no time, but I soon became sleepy. 'Not now,'

He seemed to notice my weaker attitude and started to laugh. "It seems you have weakened Holy Waters, do you really think that this 'crew' of yours can hold me off!" I smirked slightly.

"Of course, they are Luffy's crew, the man who will become the King of Pirates. No one can beat his crew." Just as I finished speaking his neck moved backward and a loud crack resonated through the battlefield.

"Thank you again, Robin!" I pulled back my two hands before creating a pulsing ball of saltwater to form in my hands.

"Blue Bomb!"

I pushed it towards his stomach and his eyes turned completely white. "Take that you shadow bastard." I wiped the blood dripping from mouth. My eyes started widening when I noticed that he was no longer here. He was moving to the shadow behind Robin. I used Soru and moved down to the rest of the crew. I continued to run towards her, but I was too late.

'It's because my energy is drained, I'm not as fast as before.' I cursed my past self for using such energy. He started laughing like a lunatic as he towered over Robin. I rushed forward and pushed her out of the way as he started to pick on her shadow. "Don't touch her you filthy bastard, I can't let you take her shadow!" I challenged him as he stared down at me.

"I suppose you are a better target!" He started lifting up my shadow as I stood my ground.

"It doesn't matter if you take mine or not, in the end, I'll just get it back," I said smirking. He lifted it up as the rest of the crew watched as you didn't even put up a fight.

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