★Chapitre : Dix-huit★

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The sayings to the top of all my chapters are mine. So please don't thief them. Those who like my story thank you a lot for the opportunity of letting me entertain you.

Double update is for you guys.


We are supposed to have mercy for those who wronged us. But mercy is a dream, a word that the weak use to gain sympathy. The sin within us always wants revenge. It's simply human nature.



A mocking smile takes over her face. I could feel the heat spreading throughout my cheek. However, I could not feel the pain caressing it through my rage.

She poked the Devil's beast.

She forgot who the fuck you are.

She needs reminding.

My mind was speaking to me. I'm fucking insane. Arden made me crazy, she brought out my darkness to play. My inner demon pranced around in my head telling me to set him free. I wanted her blood flowing onto my hands. Even if it was just a drop. It will settle my being with the thought of revenge. I was battling with my restraint and my blood is driven, heart.

I'm a very wicked person and I have not played in blood for a while. In that very moment, Arden was not my future queen. That thought didn't exist. She right now was my enemy and my brain calculated her as such. Her slap was a personal attack on me.

No one touched me and lived. Her blonde hair dropped over her shoulders and her red lips still were tilted up. She was taunting the beast with a damn smile.

I wanted her hair in my fist so I could tear it from her soft scalp.

I wanted her hair in my fist so I could tear it from her soft scalp

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My personality split. I knew I was mental. Nikolaos was fading and the darkness that was buried for a while was creeping out of its hiding place.

Of course, Arden would be the one to push the limit and force my demon out. I was killing her a million different ways in my head.

Phanes stepped in front her blocking my line of vision.

He was speaking but all I heard were whispers telling me to finish its target.

"NIKOLAOS CALM THE HELL DOWN, YOU'LL KILL HER IF YOU DON'T. AND I KNOW YOU LOVE HER. YOU WILL REGRET IT TRUST ME. BACK THE FUCK DOWN MAN!!!!!!!" his shouts broke through my ear bell registering to my brain to abort its malicious thoughts.

Kyra stepped in front of me and hugged me. She was like a sister to me. I viewed her as such. Hell, I liked her more than my blood one. "If you hurt her I will never forgive you. You hurt her first blame it on instincts but don't hurt her. Your loyalty to me would be broken if you do this." She said in my ear.

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