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R U B Y pov

You jumped off the cliff, you could hear Stan scream as you fell. You had barely missed the rocks, landing in the water.

You resurfaced, looking up to see everyone staring over the edge. You saw The Bowers Gang leave, but Stan's head stayed peeking over as you walked out of the water.

When you got on land Stan ran over to you.

"Are you okay?" He asked out of breath.

"Yeah." You smiled.

"God you're crazy, you could've died." He said hugging you.

"I'm fine Stan." You said hugging him back.

After like 5 minutes of hugging he walked you to your house, holding your hand tightly.

You were still a little wet but you dried off by then.

When you got home, Stan hugged you and you kissed his cheek and went inside.

"Where have you been?!" One if your dads asked.

"I'm sorry I went to the quarry with my friends and lost track of time." You said walking upstairs.

"Next time tell us please!" Your other dad called out as you entered your room.

You was exhausted, so you took off your shoes and plopped on your bed.

You stared at the ceiling think about the day. Then you remember.

Stan was now your boyfriend.

You smiled happily and jumped around the room. You couldn't believe all of this happened in one day.

You prayed that Henry would leave you guys alone.

You laid back on our bed and quickly fell sleep.

A/n sorry for the short chapter.

Ruby {Stanley Uris }Where stories live. Discover now