♤Chapter 29

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AN Really tired... Going to bed here chapter. Me hope you like.- Sam

The wind soon drowned out the sound of my name being screamed over and over again. Out of all three of them, Henry's voice had been the loudest.

When this was all over, I had the sneaking suspicion that I was going to be in some trouble with him, possibly with my dad, and with my mother when she found out. If any of us lived long enough to tell her about this little stunt, that was.

Could I have thought of something better than this? We had lacked time to come up with a great plan, not that this little spectacular stunt I was pulling could even be considered an okay plan. It was a pretty crappy one. I could count at least three ways it could go horribly wrong, just off the top of my head.

I glanced over my shoulder at the group of dots behind me. They were still very far away, but they were steadily growing closer. I just prayed that they would notice me, or else I didn't know what I would do. Nessie's blue scales blended perfectly in with the sky, making her practically invisible from far away and making me invisible as well. I had to ensure that they saw me, and just then another brilliant idea made its way into my head.

I rotated Nessie, so she was facing North and also towards the hoard of rapidly approaching dragons. "Nessie fire," I commanded.

Nessie let out a long stream of bright yellow and red flames. As she breathed her flames, they reflected off of her scales, causing her to look like she was on fire herself. She glowed so brightly in the morning air that she could have easily been mistaken for a star.

If this didn't get their attention, then I didn't know what would.

It was then I realized I was still holding Vivian's telescope in my hand. I guess I did have some luck with me today. Carefully, I steadied myself in the saddle, before pressing the metal ring up against my eye. I aimed the lens of the telescope towards the mass of tiny dots.

The image that greeted me was that of a rider looking back at me through the lenses of a different telescope. The enemy lowered his telescope at the same time I dropped mine.

Yep, they had most certainly seen me. I didn't know if I should feel happy or terrified about this.

I turned Nessie around and fled in the opposite direction. The ground raced under me, and so did the clouds above us. Faster and faster I urged Nessie to fly. The cold air was beginning to numb my face and ears, and it made my eyes water. The wind wiped my long black hair behind me, and I could practically feel it tying itself into knots. This was worse than one of Emily's columns of air.

It felt like I had only been flying a couple of minutes when I first heard the sound of dragon wings beating close behind me. I felt fear begin to rise and settle in my heart. How had they managed to catch up to me so fast? Nessie was not a slow dragon.

I was afraid to even look behind me to see just how close they really were. Because let's face it, even though I was willing to sacrifice myself for the good of the team, the idea of being captured terrified me. Would they torture me, or worse?

Then, seemingly out of nowhere a massive shape appeared in front of me, blocking the route I was taking. It was another dragon, a very big dragon, maybe even the biggest dragon I had ever seen in my entire life. It had scales the color of moss and its eyes were like two glowing red embers. Along its massive body ran deep scars, which gave testimony to the hundreds of battles the dragon must have fought in its life. On its back, I spotted his rider dressed in a blood red uniform, the uniform of the government workers

Before I had time to react, the other, much larger dragon, grabbed Nessie by the shoulders with two hooked claws and began forcing her downwards towards the ground.

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