43- Jon and Spencer

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Jon and Spencer had a interview and they had things to say:

Interviewer: Do you think your gay fans are confused about you?

Spencer: Me and Ryan just, over the past summer, both recently purchased our first houses. We used the same interior decorator, and she thought Ryan was gay for the first three months! And I had to tell her that he had had a girlfriend for a year and a half. So - we have talked about it. For whatever reason our personal taste and preference in art and for videos and artwork appeals like that.

Jon: I think everybody's just too afraid to have a good time. Everybody's gotta loosen up a little bit.

Spencer: We don't care who likes us - or who dislikes us.

Jon: And what's the problem if Ryan and Brendon were actually dating, you know? There's not really any problems with that.

Spencer: Because they might be.

I get it. They might be joking but why joke about your friends dating each other? It just doesn't happen unless what Spencer and Jon were saying was the truth.

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