Chapter 4-Echoes

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"So, Patrick said that the security vision of those vamps was from about, here right?" I questioned Hayley as I glanced around us pinpointing the statue, the street bench, and the light post that he'd identified from the image. I frowned, it was so unearthly quiet here, especially for this time of night.

Hayley let out a sigh, as she scrolled around the map on her phone. Before pulling up a copy of the image that Patrick had given us. She held it up lifting it into a position where the image roughly would've been taken. Sure, enough one glance behind us and I could see the light shine of a camera on the street lamp above us.

She nodded, "This is the place,"

The two of us looked around, for any sign of vampire activity. There didn't appear to be any. I sniffed the air, picking up the slight scent of blood. I frowned.

"They have to be hiding out around somewhere near here." I said.

Yet, I was becoming more doubtful when I noticed that the only thing moving was a piece of rubbish being blown by the wind. I scowled, this was hopeless.

That was when I noticed a figure dart across the other side of the road. We glanced at one another. Hayley had seen it too.

"Guys I think we've found one, it's heading in your direction, Joe and Patrick." Hayley radioed them a moment later.

"On it." A crackly voice replied.

There was radio silence for a few moments. In the meantime; Hayley and I began to follow the figures path as it turned onto one of the other streets. An older woman dressed in a business suit gave us an odd glance as we passed.

I suppose we must've looked odd; two mid-twenties girls racing down the Main Street at ten o'clock at night. I wondered if she'd seen the figure pass and was tempted to stop to ask her.

When we came to the end of the row of buildings, I saw it duck down an alley, and then two figures take off behind it. I assumed them to be Joe and Patrick as this was near the area that they were supposed to be searching. Hayley's tip-off would've helped too.

Hayley and I slowed for a moment, both catching our breath.

"Now it's heading near you boys." Patrick radioed over, I guessed he was talking to Taylor, Brendon and Pete that had been searching the streets nearby in the direction that the figure had been heading.

With a nod, Hayley and I took a shortcut that would take us right through to where Taylor, Brendon and Pete were searching.

When we caught up with the three of them they were looking at something in one of the alleyways and gesturing towards it with doubting expressions. Patrick and Joe arrived from the other direction. It was evident from their tired faces; how out of practice they were. Chasing a vampire down the streets of hadn't exactly been the easiest thing for them.

"We saw it go in there." Brendon spoke, when we had all arrived, "Do you think that's where their base is?"

I looked to where Brendon was pointing. It was a gap in between two buildings. I think normally it would've been an alleyway, but the whole end had been covered with large pieces of cardboard and packaging scraps. Though it was highly possible that the vampires could've sectioned it off by covering it with rubbish so that no one could find their base. If a human had, then they'd probably become a snack anyway.

"Yeah. So, if we can sneak past the trails of vamps. Then we should be able to make it in there." I nod.

"You say make it past the vamps like it'll be easy." Pete frowns, at me, "Keep in mind that we're fairly sure none of us have powers anymore."

I Read About The Afterlife (Sixteen Candles 3)(FOB x Paramore x 5SOS)Where stories live. Discover now