Chapter 17 - Pranks

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Random Author's Note: So I'm assuming everyone's listened to Wolves by Selena Gomez and Marshmello? If not, that's okay but I'm officially declaring it part of the imaginary soundtrack of this book xD


Aiden isn't in chem. I don't know where he is, but he's gone.

Beyond just wondering about him, I have to deal with the fact that Ms. Baines is still not writing the instructions. I don't know what to do. I look to the only other person capable of helping me at the table. Omai. Axel's beta.

He's not even paying attention to me.

"Hey," I say quietly.

He doesn't react. He keeps writing, silently.

"Hey, Omai," I try again.

That earns a few chuckles from the table behind us. When he looks up from his paper, they shut up. I don't know why they were laughing though.

Omai looks at me with eyes as cold as Aiden's. He doesn't say a word.

I don't know if I should either. I point to my paper. "Can you tell me the instructions?"

He looks down again, writing. I frown. I guess he's no help. I look back towards where Brittany and Krys are. I could go ask them, but they're so far away and... I don't want to walk through all those people. Those mean, whispering, gossiping, glaring werewolves.

If you thought the animosity towards me had stopped since the party, think again. They have no respect towards me and I hate every minute of every class with them.

Brittany and Krys aren't so bad though, but like I said, they're so far away, at the back of the class. And I don't even know if they really like me or if they're just being nice because Axel or Carson told them to be. I don't want to bother them, and then I realize I don't really want to bother anyone. I just want to go home.

"Just copy what's on the board like this," Omai pushes his notes towards me, past the empty space usually occupied by Aiden. Each line on the board is spaced out on his paper. "We'll fill it in throughout the lecture."

"Thank you," I smile and do as instructed.

As he's pulling his notebook away, I notice how he wrote his name. Onai. That's why they were laughing. Why couldn't they just tell me? I'll tell you why. Because they're assholes.

Now I feel bad. "Sorry, I meant Onai," I look at him, smiling.

He glares at me.

I flinch.

"You meant Omai, because you were wrong," he looks at me like I'm stupid.

The way he says wrong is like a slap to the face. Well so much for the peaceful understanding I thought we were about to come to! I look back down at my paper and focus on what I need to do. It's going to be a long day if I have to keep asking for his help.

But then I think of Aiden, and it's not much different with him.

Ms. Baines starts teaching at an unnatural speed like usual, but I'm proud to say that, unlike the first week, I can somewhat keep up now. For the most part. I miss things here and there, but I'll just sneak them from Aiden later—

I look at the empty space again. What's wrong with me?

About ten minutes into class, the door opens. Then it shuts and Aiden walks across the room to his seat. Of course Ms. Baines doesn't scold him for being late. She just carries on with her lecture.

I spare him a glance once he's seated. I want to nag him on the importance of timeliness, like he always does to me, but the first thing I notice is how tired he look. It doesn't make him look weak but on edge. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. It takes his usual "f you all" expression to a whole new level.

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