Chapter 19 - It's About Time

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As if I needed encouragement from Ethel to tell Aiden about himself. As far as I'm concerned, this conversation's been a long time coming. But that doesn't change the inevitable problems.

The first: I need to find a time to talk to Aiden.

The second: I need to find Aiden and get him to talk to me during that time.

The third: I need to get Aiden to talk to me during that time.

I mean come on, when does Aiden even talk? He mainly just complains and glares at me. Or calls me a slut, don't forget that part. I don't think peaceful discussion is in his vocabulary, but the second Ethel starts throwing around words like "death" and "fatal bonds," and me being "responsible" for putting my family in "danger," I feel somehow obligated to. He seems so worried, and honestly, I'm a little worried to.

No matter how annoying and cold I thought Aiden was before, this is just ridiculous. This is a whole new level of crazy aggressive and standoffish. He looks sick, and I don't want to be responsible for that. If nothing else, this conversation can help me sleep at night. At least I can say I tried no matter what happens.

So of course, my only option is to ambush Aiden on his way to our last period together. I find him in the halls right where Ethel said he'd be, amidst a crowd breaking in two to let him pass. There's a fear about it. It's never been that way before. They look afraid to be in his presence... and worried. When they look my way, it doesn't get any better.

I hesitate, then walk towards him.

Someone in the crowd grabs my arm, stopping me. It's a girl with blonde hair and wide eyes. She shakes her head furiously at me, tugging me away.

"What?" I ask.

Before she can answer, she pulls her hand away as if burned. She looks behind me and lowers her head a bit.

I turn around, and he's looking in this direction. I say, "Aiden." It comes out almost as a question.

He spares me an uninterested glance. "Do you need something?"

The hallway clears out real fast.

A few people linger though, including the blonde. She gives me a desperate look, and then looks back at him. "I'll help her get to class," she says. "Come on."

I turn away from her and towards him. "I need to talk to you."

She sighs. She gives me one last look, and I can't tell if it's a warning not to hurt him or not to get myself hurt. She says under her breath, "I hope you know what you're doing, Luna, " and then she leaves with the rest of the people. She does give me a sympathetic look though.

I stare at him. He stares at me. Class is probably starting, but I don't think this conversation can be rushed. It's just Art after all. I think of all the people who walk in and out of that class without repercussion. I think I'll be alright.

But clearly Aiden doesn't share that sentiment. He walks away.

"Aiden," I follow him. "I'm trying to talk to you."

He's walking at what appears to be a normal speed, but compared to me, he might as well be running. These people move so fast. I all but chase after him.

My heart starts pounding somewhere between the 900 hall and 200. "Aiden," I say again. We're almost at our class, and I'm slowing down quick. I throw a weak arm in his direction. "I said, I'm trying to talk to you, dammit." I hunch over, breathing hard. So much for that.

He doesn't spare me a single glance.

Fine. He doesn't want to talk? So be it. Sorry Ethel. I really tried.

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