Angry Alice

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School was as normal as ever, except for one thing.

Whenever I saw him in the hallway, Dylan acknowledged me and so I acknowledged him back. No other person had as good a reaction as Alice.

It may seem subtle, but I know.

Her eyebrows pulled together in a frown before she gave a look to Dylan as if he'd explain, but he played dumb. From then on her gaze would flicker between us too, trying to catch on to the game.

Meanwhile, Julie rambled on about whatever and greeted pretty much everyone whether they knew her or not. She was basically friends with everyone.

Well, except Alice.


Julie poked at my arm several times before I looked up from my phone. From the look on her face I could tell she was restraining herself from laughing.

I sighed. "What?"

"What do you call... a bear without teeth?"

She was biting her bottom lip as she awaited my response. It looked cute, as does any face she makes.

"I don't know," I said. "What do you call it?"

She took a breath. "...A gummy bear."

With that, the laugh she was holding finally burst through her lips. It was so funny to her that she even smacked her knee.

People glanced at her but didn't care to really stare anymore.

Julie was probably immune to embarrassment anyway.

"Ha ha, that's so funny."

I made my voice as monotonous as possible, which made her laugh even harder. She had no shame.

"You got to admit," she took a deep breath as she calmed down. "That was good."



"It was lame."

"It was funny."

"Whatever you say."

Julie smiled in triumph, like she thought she had won the argument. She totally didn't though. I let her win so it doesn't count.

"Can I tell another one?"


"What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?"

I know this one, but for the sake of little Julie here, I'll humor her.

"Don't know. What happens?"

She shot me a cute grin. "It gets toad away."

I smiled, more at how funny Julie thought it was rather than the actual joke.

Then, he showed up.

"So." Dylan whipped his hair out of his face and sat down beside me, earning the stares of basically everyone in the lunchroom. "What's so funny?"

The intense stare from Alice was too noticeable to ignore, yet I ignored it anyway.

"Julie told a lame ass joke."

Said girl pouted and mumbled something along the lines of, "it's not lame."

I then gave him a mean look, earning not even a flinch. "What are you doing here anyway? Don't you see that everyone is staring?"

He waved his hand, eyelashes fluttering as he rolled his eyes in the most bitchy of ways. It looked so feminine. "Um, so what?"

"You just acted so fucking gay."

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