1 | Stars are for Squares

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1 | Stars are for Squares

How do you classify a dreamer?

According to the dictionary, a dreamer is

: a person whose ideas and plans are not practical or based in reality

: a person who dreams while sleeping

The Urban Dictionary on the other hand, says that a dreamer is

: One who doesn't think by physical boundaries, who has 'his / her head in the clouds'.

There was also one time dreamer meant morphine. So I guess dreamers meant druggies? I don't know, I don't think I'll ever understand.

Most people would classify themselves as a dreamer.

I on the other hand do not.

Now okay you're probably thinking, does this girl have a soul or sense of imagination or what? But seriously, I actually have a pretty decent and normal amount of imagination for a teenage girl.

"Zoe, tell me your idea of the 'perfect guy'?"

I scrunched my nose in response. Other than a realist, I was also very picky. One of my very bad traits was being too selective and precise, almost to the point where I'd end up hurting the person's feelings or ruining the moment. But my perfect guy? He doesn't exist. Well, maybe in my dreams, but that's where it'll always be. Of course I didn't tell them that, so I told them something else. Something typical.

"My idea of the 'perfect guy'. He has to be hot, funny, and sweet." See? Typical.

"Okay!" Casey, one of my co-workers squealed. She's the sweet, excited one in the group. A little loopy and clueless at times, but she's alright. "My turn! My 'perfect guy'. . . has to look like a model. I'm talking muscular but not too muscular. Manly but not too manly. I'm basically saying I want a guy who is. . . just right. You know what I mean?"

Oh I know exactly what you mean. Another word left unsaid. It would be embarrassing to say that, so I just kept silent again.

"-he also has to be sweet and kind. Sensitive and thoughtful."

But then Casey's smile fades as fast as cheap sticker tattoos. She's probably thinking about Logan. She sighs sadly as she pops in her last tater tot. "I just wish Logan were like that. . . Not look like a model because he already does. But he isn't as sweet as he used to, but things have changed. He's been really possessive whenever I talk to other guys, but when it's just the two of us he acts as if nothing has happened. He's just so complicated!"

Casey and Logan are in this dramatic on and off relationship. One moment they'd be at each other's throats, the next they'd be all lovey-dovey. They've been best friends since the womb. Attached to the hip before they were born. But as she grew older she had developed feelings for him, and he did too, so things went downhill from there. So now it's just snowballs.

I think she can see that things have really changed, but she's just too blinded by love to realize that. I guess that's what love does.

"I just wish things were better between us you know?"


I've never relied on wishes. Ever since our 7th grade English teacher had said that 'wish' was a term used in phrases, sentences, and expressions to indicate that the situation will never happen, or is impossible.

And as I thought about it that day, I realized he was right. So I cleared my head of the thoughts of wishing. All of it; wishing on shooting stars, four leafed clovers, wishbones, everything. Because they were for squares.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2014 ⏰

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