Chapter 7

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The Diary

Chapter 7 


             The final bell rang informing us that school ended for the day and it was time to go home. Finally. I begun walking to Lana's car but then I remembered. Uh I’m going to have a ride with Niall. I don’t know what’s gonna happen. But lets get this over with its better now or never.

I went to his bike and saw him puffing a puff of smoke. Oh god. “hey” he said in the most darkest voice ever. But it seemed hot but even if it wasn't a dark tone he wasn't being mean or anything. “Hi” I slowly answered. “So wanna get going” “yeah sure”.

He got on the bike and as I was going to sit I had to place my hands oh his shoulders and put a bit of force. He started the engine and we headed of. We arrived at my house but I didn't want him to come in. I know I sound like what the hell but you get my point I don’t even know the guy and inviting in my house but I’m a good person so of course the door is open.

I entered and he enters behind me. “nice place” “thanks, so um should me start ?” “I guess” “let's go to the garden it's quite there”. I went to the garden door and we went out side and sat on a bench. “ ok um which scene should we start from?” I asked. “ Miss. Andrews really wanted the love scenes and the last scene” “yeah she seemed exited that she gave us that novel”

“yeah, so um which should we choose? “ I don't know you start I guess” “ok um I think we should do a bit scenes but not all of course just like the story in short” “yeah that's good. The first one we do is like when they first met” “yeah lets begun to write notes”.

We begun to write the notes and everything he sometime would stop and just say that I have to continue but with a bit of 'oh come on' he continued. We had to write like short scripts. We were know practising the first 3 scenes are done and the last 2 scenes which are the intimate one are just coming up. I don't know what he has in plan.

This was the one that they had to say bye. Kind of I guess. “ remember my love about me” he said while holding my hands. For a bad boy punk he is a good actor. “I will” “Tell me that your heart desires to me” “My heart desires to you my love” as we begun doing this his hand slowly got to mine and he placed it on his chest.

After a while gazing into each others eyes he slowly kissed my hand. “ Our love is too strong, We will meet again” and with that the scene ended but I was wrong the scene hadn't ended. He slowly kissed my check. I just stood there shocked. “I did that cause it will make it better”.

I was still standing there like an idiot. “Hannah” he said firmly “mhm” “I did that to make the scene better” he repeated. “um yeah sure” I said swinging my head. “ yeah” “ok”. “Um so..” he said while now grabbing my hand. What was he doing? “um oh I forgot to ask you, would you like something to drink” “yeah sure” “ I'll be back”

I went in the kitchen to get something for him. Ok what would he like? As I begun to poor some liquid that he would drink I felt two arms wrap around my waist. My eyes opened and I looked at the hands that were around my waist.

I was turned round and was placed on the kitchen counter. “ hey” “um Niall” “yeah babe” “um what are you doing” “Nothing”. He came closer to me and his hands travelled to my thigh. Goosebumps travelled down my spine.

“Babe” he whispered while placing his head on my neck. “Niall..” “umm” he begun to slowly kiss my neck going down my jawline. He grabbed the small of my back and pulled me next to him. His hands went to my shirt playing with it.

I wanted to stop him but like my hands didn't proceed to what was I thinking of doing. I did want to moan but my mind was against me. “ babe your so hot” he said and with that continued kissing me.

Ok what was happing? 

Helloooo everyone Thanks for reading and thanks for the reads if i get more on like 90 or even 100 i will post more thankss soo muchh :) <3 if you would like comment :) 

The Diary~ N.H~L.H~A.I PunkWhere stories live. Discover now