Part one -Aria

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*the first chapter •aka this one• is really short and I'm sorry aha, but keep reading it does get better, I promise!*

I can't believe that I'm moving to Australia In less than a week. I don't know anyone there and it's a completely different time zone to all my friends here in Scotland... how am I going to be able to FaceTime or Skype them, I will miss them all so much but my mum is happy and that's all that matters to me. she has met a man who makes her smile... the only catch is he is Australian and won't move so we have to move instead.

I guess I could just visit my friends in holidays instead... or they could come over and visit me I'm sure they would love the sun, I know that I would.

Four days later
I'm unpacking all my boxes in my new room, I managed to persuade my mum to give me the biggest room in the house because she moved me all across the world away from all my friends.

The balcony window in my room looked out right across to the house next to mine, if I leant far enough I'd be able to climb that tree and sit on their balcony.. but I wouldn't do that because I don't know who lives there.

Ugh this is going to be so hard to make new friends, I'm shy enough as it is.
I finish unpacking all my bed stuff and start to make my bed, then walk to the other side of my room to put my clothes into my walk into my new wardrobe, I then went and put all my bath and shower things into my en-suit, I guess this wouldn't be so bad after all...

Hey guys, so this is the first Wattpad story I have ever written I'm sorry if the first chapter is really bad I'll try and update it soon! Please comment with what you would like to happen and I'll take it into consideration when updating, I'd love to get 100 reads but I guess that's a dream right? Anyway vote and leave your comments love you- N x

Aria - LRHWhere stories live. Discover now