Chapter 12: Am I Mad At You?

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I woke up sometime in the afternoon, angry at Lily and the girls for not waking me up. I probably have homework to do.

After I changed, and tried to remove the dark circles from under my eyes, I headed downstairs to the common room-


"Agh!" I fell face first on a stair, cursing silently in French as I got up again.

"James? What was that?" That's when everything came rushing back to me.

Last night, me seeing that dream, Lily and the boys helping, and lastly Alex telling me he saw my dream and leaving.

"Are you. . . okay?" Remus came up to us, followed by Sirius and Peter. Then I remembered I was mad at him.

"You!" I pushed Remus out of the way. "You liar! You made a promise with me, and you broke it! God, you're lucky I'm not British or I would smash your head with a teacup, Sirius Orion Black!" He backed away, right as Alex came in through the portrait door.

"Gorgeous, I think you should calm down," He rushed behind Alex, who gave me a look that basically said 'huh?'.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Black!"


I gave James a hard looking, before swiftly turning back to Sirius.

"You promised me you wouldn't get mad about your brother or any of the Slytherins! And why do you care about what I do with them? Why do I care what you care, anyway?"

"I care because they'll turn you into another horrible Death Eater, just like them!"

I opened my mouth to argue back, finally realizing what he just said. "How could you say that? Right to my face. Not all of them are bad like you think they are. Most of them don't even have a choice to make their own decisions. When someone makes a promise with me I expect them to keep them, no matter what. And now you're saying they'll turn me into them?!

"You are such an arse, Sirius Black!" I was breathing heavily, from all the heaving and yelling I did from my now corrupted lungs.

His fear was no longer there, and his face now had a scowl on it. "Fine. Maybe you are the annoying and rude girl I met last year, maybe we were both wrong."


With that, he left the common room, leaving many students staring. I felt a hand on my shoulder, remembering Alex was here.

"Lily got your homework. . . . I'll see you later." He handed me a few papers, leaving the common room as well.


"Well that escalated quickly,"

"Do you even know what that means?"


"There you go."

The rest of the day I didn't feel like talking to anyone, especially the boys.

Reggie, Sev, and Lucius tried, but I just gave them a smile and left.

I was still thinking about my dream last night, whether it was real or my imagination.

Was the woman really my mother, the man in the photo my father? Did she really leave me on the steps of the horrible orphanage?

What did I do wrong?

I shouldn't care. That was years ago and I was a baby, they were the ones that didn't raise me.

But instead they left me at the orphanage to get abused and spend all my miserable time there.

But because of Sirius, who I just happened to run into that night, my residence rest at Potter Manor.

Which I love.

Maybe I should see Dumbledore, or maybe Alex. But Alex seemed off, like he didn't want to talk.

And it's because he saw my dream.

How did he see it anyway? Oh yeah, the silver thread thing. That stupid, silver thread.

"Ugh, I hate being a Seer!"

"I don't think that pillow really appreciates your screaming, Winters." Wait, the only person that actually calls me by my surname. . .

"Sean? What are you doing here? You're not here to see Roslin, are you?" I smirked a little.

Roslin and Sean would always meet up, mostly because they were madly in love and they barely saw each other because he was a Huffflepuff and she's a Gryffindor.


"Hey, you seem down. That's very unusual for you, and believe me, I know unusual." He said, flicking away the blonde hair in his eyes.

"I don't really want to talk about it, Sean." I fiddled with the hem of the blanket around me.

"Well, maybe you should talk about it with someone you trust. There's not many people like that these days. And make sure they have turkey in handy, turkey makes everything better. I learned that the hard way," I chuckled a little.

I sighed. "Rose is awake, step on the first step and climb up the slide once it appears."

Before he could do what I said, I spoke.

"And if I see you and Roslin kissing in the halls one more time, I swear I'll punch you both."


You all remember Sean McAllister, right? Brady, Mack, and Alexis' father, Roslindale McAllister's husband (well, hehe, before she died)

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