37. News. Good? Bad? Unknown.

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“Audrey? Wake up, please. Audrey.” Someone begged me, their voice shrouded and I was unable to tell who it was. I opened my eyes slowly, my vision slightly cloudy. I was in a hospital room along with Niall who was leaning over me. A woman and a man I didn’t know stood back from me, giving me my space. I blinked and sat up, taking in the room.

“Audrey,” Niall breathed, a smile on his face. He leaned away from me and I noticed spots of blood in the shoulder of his shirt. I don't remember Niall getting hurt as well.

“What happened? Where am I? Niall, is Harry okay?” I asked the words tumbling from my mouth, my right cheek stinging. Niall and the man and woman exchanged glances.

“Audrey, this is Anne Cox and Des Styles, Harry’s parents.” Niall explained, I gasped, my stomach dropping. I killed their son.

“I am so sorry, this was all my fault, I...” Anne raised her hand stopping me from saying anymore.

“Sweetheart we’re here to thank you. If you hadn't acted when you did Harry would have died... you saved his life.” She said with a smile, her eyes filling with tears. My mouth fell open,

“He’s alive?” I breathed, the image of him and Sherry falling to the floor and the gun going off replayed in my mind, Anne nodded.

“He’s in recovery right now. We flew in as soon as we heard what happened, we where just about to leave but we just wanted to tell you, thank you for saving our little boy.” Anne said her voice cracking, I looked down at the covers, a blush rising to my cheeks. Niall squeezed my hand, his thumb rubbing the back of it. I flinched at his touch, slowly pulling y hand out of his grasp. Anne looked at her watch and gasped,

“Des, if we don’t hurry we’ll miss our flight.” she fretted, “Thank you again, and it was such a pleasure meeting you.” She said giving me a hug before turning to hug Niall.

“See you after tour,” Niall said pulling out of her embrace, Anne smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.

“Stay safe,” She said placing a kiss on his other cheek, Niall smiled and nodded and Anne left. Des and Niall shook hands,

“Keep an eye on this one, she seems like a keeper.” Des said, in a joking tone. Niall laughed,

“I plan on doing just that,” He said with a smile, Des clapped him on the shoulder and left the room.

“How are you feeling?” Niall asked me. I shrugged, not wanting to tell him anything. Just then the door opened and the fear bubbled in my chest. But the one to walk in wasn't Sherry or Joey but Liam.

"Hey Audrey. How are you doing?" He asked. I shrugged again, keeping my eyes on my hands. 

"Liam can I talk to you outside?" Niall asked, 

"Sure," Liam replied and together the boys left the room.

Liam's P.O.V. 

"She's back Liam." Niall said as soon as we left the room. I sighed knowing he was right. "She just came out of her shell and this happens!" 

"I know." I said, 

"Dang it Liam! These people are ruining her! Why can't they accept the fact she belongs to us now?" He asked, 

"Because, Niall. They're mad. They wanted to make her life as miserable as possible but she left. I think it's like a game to them." I said. Niall sighed, 

"She pulled away from me." He said, his voice thick. "When I held her hand in there she flinched and pulled away." 

"We are just going to have to re-show her we mean no harm to her." I said,

"I guess so." He said, softly. He paused, both of us thinking. 

"How are going to tell her about her..." I trailed off, Niall sighed.

"I don't know Liam." He said, his voice weary. I nodded.

*A few hours later.*

“Niall, can I see Harry?” I asked quietly as we walked through the waiting room, Niall sighed.

“He’s still asleep, the doc said he won’t be awake until tomorrow when the anesthetic wares off.” He said, his voice even. I sighed, following him through the doors. I was surprised but relived to find no fans waiting outside for us. Andy was waiting outside with the truck to pick us up to take us to the Hotel. 

"Here, let me help you." Niall said, reaching for my hand.

"No!" I gasped, pulling away from him. "I'm sorry, I-I got it."

"I'm sorry." He said, his face the picture of pain. I nodded, still wary. I got into the truck and then Niall. Andy drove us back to the hotel where everyone else was waiting. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. The rest of One Direction, Paul, Cat, Marco, Karen, Preston, Caroline, Louise, Helene, Josh, Dan, Sandy, Jon, everybody. 

“Niall, Audrey, Andy, I was just about to have a meeting. Take a seat.” Marco (he’s the management assistant at Modest!) said, Niall and I exchanged a glance, but sat on the floor next to Louis and Jon.

“Audrey, I just want you to know how relived I am to see you are not hurt.” He said, I nodded, “Alright first off, thanks for showing up, but down to business, Simon had requested that we try as hard as we can to keep the shooting a secret. The doctors said Harry will still be able to preform, but have limited mobility in the arm until completely healed. If anyone asks about why he was taken to the hospital, kidney stones is your answer. And if anyone asks about why the police where brought in tell them a wild fan decided to get physical and tried to use Audrey to get to the boys. Is everyone clear on that?” Everyone either nodded or mumbled 'yes'. 

“Good, now any questions?” No one said anything, “Good, now I suggest you all get to bed early as you all have an early start tomorrow. Boys, we will need you at the arena at 7:45 tomorrow.” The boys nodded, “Alright everyone. Goodnight” Marco dismissed us. 

"Audrey, can I talk to you?" 

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