Chapter 4: Why?

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                             I officially own Hetalia and all its characters and from now on you have to pay to- *shot*

okay okay...Enjoy!

  Lovino was running back and forth, losing his mind . His brother had finally woke up but kept annoying him so he had sent him out with some money to take Elizabeta for gelato.

  Maybe he should have let him stay, after all Feliciano knew Bel's cell number.

  Lovino checked the time on his phone.

"Damn it. " He muttered. Bel was already twenty minutes late and Lovino was beginning to get worried.

   As Lovino grabbed his phone he heard a knock at the front door. He started to walk to the steps to go downstairs and answer it when he heard the sound of metal breaking and the door opened.

  Lovino stopped in his tracks. He distinctly remembered locking that door as his brother and Elizabeta left. He retreated to his room and locked the door as quiet as possible as the thudding of heavy footsteps grew nearer. The steps seemed to climb the stairs and walk down the hall.

    Why didn't they just steal something and leave? What were they here for? Money?

    Lovino opened his closet door and scooted into a corner,  pulling out his phone he tapped a random contact and called. The doorknob on his door was rattled and he closed the closet door until there was a small cracked he could see through. Lovino silently prayed for the damn person to answer. It reached voice mail and he redialed, not noticing the tears gathering in his eyes,threatening to fall. When it seemed that no one was going to pick up, Lovino was greeted with a germanic voice.

   Lovino had never been happier to hear Gil's voice.

"G-gilbert.." He whispered. "There's someone..In my house..."

"What do you mean 'someone'?" Was Gil's reply.

"Someone..who I think might be trying to kill me."

"I'll be right there. Venice, right?"


  He hung up and again Lovino was left alone with the stranger that was determined to get to him. He called his brother Feliciano and made sure he knew what was going on and not to come home until he knew it was safe.

   It's not that he wanted his brother to worry, he just wanted him safe. If Lovino lost Feli he wouldn't have anything to live for.

   Suddenly, the door to his room was kicked down and the trespasser walked in slowly. Lovino looked through the cracks and saw the man check under neath his bed and walk towards the closet. Lovino held his breath, was this how it's supposed to end?

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