59. Straight Off The Plane.

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"Audrey, we're here!" Liam said to me, waking me from my sleep. 

"Have we landed yet?" I asked, lifting my head off his arm. 

"Yeah, you missed it." He chuckled. 

"Oh no. I'm so upset." I said to sleepy for true sarcasm. 

"Don't worry! You'll be flying a lot now your staying with us." He laughed.

"Yaaay." I said in a weak cheer. Liam laughed, filling the whole cabin with the sound. "No." I said, closing my eyes. "No happiness. My head hurts to much." I said, my hand on my head trying to suppress the pounding. Liam covered his mouth, trying to quiet his next laugh.

"Did anyone wake Catori?" Louis asked from the seat in front of us. 

"No. Not yet." Zayn said, walking down the aisle back to his seat. 

"I'll do it." Niall said, passing Zayn to Cat's seat directly behind us. Gently Niall shook her arm, making her eyes flutter open. Slowly she sat up, her hair sticking up on the side. 

'Where are we?' She signed to Niall, he looked at me, confused as he couldn't read sign language. 

"She asked 'where are we'." I answered. 

"Raleigh." He said to her. She frowned unable to hear him, her hearing aids in her purse, and unable to read his lips.

"Raleigh, North Carolina." I signed back to her. She nodded and closed her eyes, leaning back against her seat. Next to me Liam sighed, facing forwards again.

"What?" I asked him. Liam paused, his eyes focused on the back of Louis seat.

"Marco forbid me to talk to her." He said, his voice low. 

"Yeah, he did the same to Niall with me." I said, 

"Is that why Niall gave you that?" Liam asked, gesturing to my/Niall's hoodie.

"Yeah." I said, pulling the sleeves over my hands. 

"Okay guys. Let's load off." Paul said, "Remember, we are going straight through the airport. Audrey, Catori, Aravis you girls are going to go with Louise and the rest of the gang to the hotel." 

"But Paul, why can't the girls stay with us?" Harry asked, Aravis leaned against his shoulder.

"Management rules, Harry. You know that." Paul said. Liam and I looked at one another, Liam shrugging his shoulders in a way that said 'We tried'. Preston, and and Erik helped the boys off the plane and into the main airport where the fans and paparazzi where waiting. Louise helped us girls off the plane where we where instantly taken to a huge hotel. 

"The boys will be here in thirty minutes. You can go ahead and choose who you want to room with." Louise said, leaving us alone in one of the rooms. 

"Sooo." Aravis said, the tree of us standing in an awkward triangle. "So Harry told me a new stylist is coming tomorrow." She said, trying to make conversation.

"Oh, what's his name?" Cat asked. 

"I don't know. Harry didn't tell me." She said, shrugging. Softly Aravis sighed, sitting on the couch she turned on the TV. 

"Do you mind if I have my own room tonight?" I asked Catori who was beginning to get interested in the show. 

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