Please, Tell Me I'm Dreaming

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"(Y/n)?" Jensen, Gen, Jared, and a few others kept repeating your name. Your attention was on your phone. Shaking a bit, Jensen grabbed your wrists and turned you towards him. "Baby, what happened?"

You couldn't take it.

You didn't want this to be real.

You ripped your hands out of Jensen's grasp and quickly run out of the restaurant. Your hands cover over your mouth to keep the loud sobs in. You blew through the front doors and walked down the sidewalk a bit. It was raining. No. It was pouring. And not just from your eyes.

You slowly turn around to see Jensen standing outside the doors. He is getting soaked just like you. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry." Jensen knew. Before you could say anything, you let out a cry and begin to fall to your knees, but Jensen catches you in his arms. You fall in to his strong grip and cry. Your tears soaking his already wet jacket.

"Jensen, h- he's gone. I didn't get to say goodbye. He's never gonna be there for me.....He's gone. P- Please tell me I'm dreaming?" You beg of him but his eyes say other wise. "I wish I could baby girl. I wish I could." You let out more cries as Jensen rocks you back and forth on the small bench outside the restaurant. You pause the tears for only a moment when Gen, Jared, Misha, and Vicki come outside to see you. Gen and Vicki have tears in there eyes and Jared and Misha have faces of sorrow.

"(Y/n), let's get you inside. You're freezing and you will catch a cold. Come on-" Jensen said lifting you to your feet. "NO." You yell startling all of them. "It's okay baby. I know this will be hard. We are all here for you." Jensen reached for your hand but you pulled back. "No! I-I said no. You lied to me Jay." You cry harder.

"What are you talking about, (Y/n)?" Jensen asks you confused. He takes a step towards you but you take one back. "Y-You promised me that my dad would be okay. You promised me! You said that I should stay up here with you all of these weeks instead of visiting him. MY DYING FATHER. You took him away from me. I- I can't even look at you right now. Why would you have done that?" You let out a heavy breath and see Jared stepping forward. Jensen has tears streaming down his face, mixed in from the rain.

"(Y/n), take it easy. Just breath. Come inside, please. Your sister will be here soon. Come on, it's going to be okay." Jared reached out to you but you flinched and moved back, he did as well. "No, it's never going to be okay. I- I'm never going to forgive you Jensen...." You turn from the group and rub your hands up and down your freezing arms. You hear them call after you so you start to run.

You sprint.

You wanted to get away.

You wanted this pain gone.

This horrible pain of regret, fear, confusion, heartbreak.

As you ran you figured a place to go.

A place that calmed you down.

A place you and your Dad always went to, "Maggie's nooks and books". You walked up to the store front, pulled of your shoes, and opened the front door. As you walked in, you got stares. Well, now thinking about it, you were completely wet, your eyes were beat red and black from the makeup, you were holding your shoes, it just didn't look the best. But, it didn't phase you. You still went to the back corner and found "Your Spot". You collapsed in a cradled position and cried in your knees. A tap on your shoulder caused you to look up.

Maggie, the owner, knew you very well. The sweet elder watched you grow up in her store. She bounced around from all of the stores to check up on them. She was holding a towel out for you and a tray that had your favorite ice cream and a cup of hot cocoa. "I heard, sweetie. I am so sorry, (Y/n)." She wrapped the towel around you and just as you thought the tears were gone, another wave hit you.

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