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Sister Maria stared at the schedule in front of her and then back into the dining room where the midwives and other nuns were sat uncomplainingly waiting for breakfast to be served to the table. Hannah was laughing along at some anecdote that Sophie had said as she listened carefully to the stories about the previous night. The list of patients beneath Hannah's name did not worry Sister Maria until she came across the last name that had been scribbled at the bottom of the white page – Esme Shelby.

"Sister, are the rota's ready for today?" Betty asked as she supped on her warm morning cup of tea. Hannah picked up on Sister Maria's unsettling mood but didn't comment on it because she was not in the good books and needed to remain silent about the Michael issue in order to get back in them.

"Yes, here they are," Sister Maria finally answered as she walked back into the dining room and placed the rota's down in the middle. All she could do was hope and pray that Hannah would not bump into the disreputable Michael Gray. The midwives could not deny Esme, they had a duty to help everyone, but a midwife dating anyone connected to the gang would not look good and possibly ruin the unsoiled reputation that the nunnery had.

Hannah grinned as she grabbed the sheet, but her smile soon turned into a frown as she saw a familiar name – Mr. Maxwell. He was being treated for burns that he had sustained in one of the factories and even though he was Hannah's patient, she couldn't help but loathe the man. He was five years her senior, which wasn't too bad, but Hannah had no interest or feelings towards the bloke, yet he still felt the need to flirt with her whenever she went around to his flat to clean the injuries.

"Clinic is cancelled this week because of a flood at the community centre," Sister Margaret announced. Everyone groaned and pretended to be upset but secretly, everyone was excited about the extra few hours that they would get off work. "We tried to find somewhere else to hold clinic but sadly, we couldn't. If you see any new mums on your rounds today, then let them know that business will resume as usual next week. Did Mrs. Jones have the baby last night, Hannah?"

"Aye, she did. A little girl, born at about two in the morning," Hannah answered, once again proud of the fact that she was doing so well in the midwifery profession. Ever since being a young girl, this is what she had fantasised about and to know that she was being successful only enhanced her dreams.

"Was she a pain like I said?" Alexandra asked.

"No, she did rather well. I think she was more exhausted than anything and just wanted to get baby out of her." Hannah smiled and took another look at her rota while Alexandra and Sophie continued to chat about some women who had fell over while pirouetting. A name came to her attention, one that she was no familiar with. For a second, she thought it was a mistake as she had never treated a Mrs. Shelby before, but she shrugged it off. "I think I'm going to leave now because I need to go to the post office and to the shops. Does anybody want anything picking up while I'm down there?"

"Can you be a darling and pick me up some cigarettes? I'm running low and I have a day of running around today," Alexandra asked. Hannah nodded before telling Alexandra that she would meet her at lunch.

"We both have patients on Watery Lane today – "Alexandra quickly looked at the other midwives and sisters and shrugged her shoulders before glancing back over at Hannah who was placing her hat on the top of her head. She was completely unaware of the quick stare that everyone in the room, apart from her, had shared. "I will probably see you then."

Hannah nodded before waving everybody a good-bye. Things were still awkward in the convent and even more uncomfortable than her first day there. She tried to think of everything that Alexandra had told her about the streets of Birmingham, the men and the chinwag that could be heard throughout the street, but she couldn't remember Michael's name being mentioned which signalling to Hannah that he was nothing of reputation and just a normal young lad trying to get by in the world.

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